The Indespensible Macronutrients in Your Diet, Part 2: Carbohydrates
Carbohydrates have been vilified over the past few years. While carbs are not inherently bad, it is important to choose the right ones. The key is to avoid those that cause your blood sugar and insulin levels to rise rapidly.
That means you should AVOID: sugar, flour, baked goods, white pasta, soft drinks, fruit juices, refined grains, corn, and starches (including white potatoes). Your carbs should come primarily from whole fruits and vegetables, nuts, seeds, and berries. If you enjoy potatoes, stick with yams or sweet potatoes. They have more nutritional value, and they won't spike your blood sugar as much. If you simply must have bread and pasta, choose products made from whole grains. But a word of warning: If you are overweight or diabetic, it's best to avoid ALL grains.
If you currently eat a lot of sweets, sugar-added drinks, bread, and pasta, cutting out these foods will not be easy. They put your emotions and your metabolism on an up-and-down rollercoaster that is similar in many ways to the effect of an addictive drug. But after a few weeks or a month, you'll feel like a new person. The pounds will slip away, your hunger will become more regular and less pronounced, and you will undoubtedly notice an improvement in your energy levels, concentration, and mood.
If you haven't done so already, I urge you to make this change in your diet. You'll be glad you did.
God Bless,