Sunday, April 8, 2007

Fat Loss is Not a Long Term Program, It is An All Out War

"Fat loss is not a long-term program."
Dan John

"Fat loss is an all out war.
Give it 28 days; only 28 days.
Attack it with all you have.
It is NOT a lifestyle choice... it is a battle.
Lose fat, and then get back into moderation.
There's another one for you: moderation.
Revelation says it best: "You are lukewarm and I shall spit you out."
Moderation is for sissies.
Fat loss is not a long-term program.
I can't prove it...I know it is true, though..."

This is a quote from one of my favorite strength coaches named Dan John.

The essence of his message resonates highly with me because it is truth. My clients who endure the difficulty of the programs in the Firestorm Fitness System Fat Burning Fit Camps go to war each training session...and they get results, fast. In 95% of the cases, what we are doing is drastically changing the intensity of their workouts as well as making major modifications in the strictness of their diet.

This isn't a popular stance to most of the unitiated and lesser acquainted few who have been decieved and lied to by the mainstream, television bred fitness trainers and "diet guru's." It also isn't a popular answer to the question, "How do I lose weight?" People want fast, easy, and seemingly magical. Sorry folks, it doesn't work like that. At least not exactly.

Several of my clients have informed me that it was much, much easier than they thought it would be. Frankly I can understand that. I mean, if you haven't gotten any results in years, then anything that provides a 2-3% bodyfat loss every month is easier than what didn't work previously.

It's like the quote from Rocky 6: "If you know what you're worth, go out and get what you're worth." If you're going to lose some fat, then do it. Pour yourself into it 100%.


Here are four essential steps for your own, all out war of fat loss:
1.) Get a good solid workout program that focuses on big, hard, basic moves like: pushing, pulling and squatting, as well as hard, intense and relatively short cardio.
2.) Follow the program 100% (this is the key).
3.) Keep a food log, and track every calorie.
4.) Get a food scale and weigh and measure your food.

Does this sound extreme? Yes. Quite frankly it does.

Does it work? Always.

What exactly were your fat loss and health goals again?

Lord bless you,