Saturday, May 19, 2007

The myth of "low-fat" foods

"The sad reality of America today is that we're digging our own graves with a fork and knife." Unknown

One of the issues that I have with "corporate America's" food production portion is the slick marketing and outright lies they preach as truth. Here's an example:

I have proof that people are overeating low-fat foods because they've been led to believe they’re healthier.

A group of researchers told some folks to watch TV. They gave them bags filled with granola as a snack. One bag was labeled, “Low-fat Rocky Mountain Granola.” The other bag was labeled, “Regular Rocky Mountain Granola.”

Guess what? The folks who opted for the low-fat granola ate 32% more than those who ate the regular granola.


But this isn't limited to granola. The researchers repeated this experiment with low fat and regular chocolate. Big surprise...the results were almost identical. I think it's because people believe low-fat foods are synonymous with "guilt-free", therefore they eat more.

Here's the main reason that I find this so alarming: Low-fat foods have proportionately more carbohydrate, typically in the form of refined sugar. It is carbs, not fat that are the most fattening foods per calorie. This is especially true of empty, refined carbs.

These unnatural "foods" are devoid of nutrients and signal to your body that you are either nutritionally deprived or starving. Now that's a brilliant marketing concept, eh? Malnourished with a full stomach!

The result? Your metabolism shifts into fat storage mode despite how many calories you consume of those low-fat foods. And the marketers and manufacturers are betting you will keep consuming.

Here is the bottom line: You don’t need low-fat foods. Dietary fat is not the problem. The body's metabolism is set by hormonal responses. What hormone has more control and regulation over fat than any other? Insulin.

Here's the lowdown: Your body reacts to carbohydrates by secreting insulin. It's a simple process - eat more carbohydrate and your body will secrete more insulin and build more fat – provided all other things are equal.

The good news is this - fat and protein are neutral. They don’t raise your blood sugar or trigger the release of insulin.

And are you really so naive to believe that corporations don't have a hand in government control? Consider this:

The biggest fax paux in nutrition history took place in the 1980s, when the NIH (think USRDA) announced that Americans needed to cut their fat intake. It was recommended that we instead replace fat with carbohydrates. Therefore, calories from fat decreased while calories from refined carbohydrates increased… a lot! And the obesity epidemic has grown steadily since. Jared and his Subway sandwiches are not the answer...

Want a surefire program for packing on the pounds? Overeat low-fat foods because you think you can afford the calories. As an added bonus you will exponentially increase your potential for chronic obesity, diabetes and so called "heart disease."

I know it’s ironic … but low-fat foods will make you fat and tired. And a fat tired individual is often to sluggish mentally to make better food choices. Marketers know it, and now so do you.

Please keep fat in your diet. Plan your meals around a prepared variety and well-rounded selection of red meats and fish. Keep a bag of nuts nearby when you feel the need to snack. Walnuts, almonds, Brazil nuts and cashews are all very sound choices. These are the real "guilt-free" snacks.

Eat as much as you want. Please. You will get satisfied and you won’t overeat.

And, you won’t get fat. I promise. Try it.

God bless you,