Thursday, May 24, 2007

Why do I feel better after I have a good cry?

Studies of hundreds of volunteers have found that 85% of women and 73% of men feel less sad and less angry after crying.

Women cry four times as often as men -- on average 5.3 times a month, while men cry only 1.4 times a month.

Crying episodes in most women involve tears running down their cheeks, but most male crying episodes only result in watery eyes.

Research shows that emotional tears are chemically different from other types of tears, such as those shed when cutting onions.

Emotional tears have a higher protein content.

Because emotional stress can increase the risk for stress-related disorders and can even contribute to constriction of the coronary arteries, crying is a healthful response to emotional stress.

Tomorrow (Friday May 25) my wife undergoes a uterine biopsy to determine why she is in pain and experiencing abdominal discomfort. My tears have accompanied her wait during the interim leading to this procedure.

Please pray for her.

God bless,