Don't Let Their Deaths Be In Vain
By Charley Reese
Did you know that every day in this country millions of Americans desecrate and insult the fallen war dead?
It's true.
These young men died painful deaths to preserve freedom. Yet, how many times, have you heard people say, "Well, I agree with you on this political topic, but I'm afraid to say anything about that."
When you keep your mouth shut out of fear, you are abandoning your God-given right to free speech. When you abandon your right to free speech, you are saying the sacrifices others made to preserve that right are worthless. You might as well drive to the nearest national cemetery and spit on their graves. Think about it. You are saying you're going to surrender your right to free speech because somebody might frown at you, or call you a bad name or, heaven forbid, stop doing business with you. Yet you expected young men to overcome their fear of death and terrible wounds in order to preserve a right you won't even exercise?
I tell you the truth; I heard from a man who fought in World War II, and he said if he had it to do over, knowing how the country was going to turn out, he wouldn't go. That's a pretty damning indictment of the present-day apathy, corruption and lack of patriotism.
When we wake up in the morning, we should first all smile and thank God. We are alive, which means that there are yet useful things for us to do. We are free, and we only have to use our courage to live like free people. When you let other people intimidate you into surrendering the rights God gave you, you are also insulting God. You are, in effect, saying, "God, your gifts are not worth any discomfort on my part and are certainly not worth the money I might lose if I exercise them."
I don't know how God will receive that. I've never presumed to speak for him or to say that he has spoken to me. But, pardon the unintentional blasphemy, if I were God, you would be in deep trouble.
Whenever we allow other people to capture our brains, we become their slaves. Late 20th century slave owners, commonly called the establishment, are very smart. They figured out that chattel slavery is costly and inefficient. If you enslave the body, you have to pay for its upkeep. Enslave a person's brain, and he will do your work and pay for his own up keep. Talk about cheap labor. Hardly anybody wants you to be a person who can think, live his or her own life, and live free.
The commercial, political and ideological organizations want to control your mind so that you will spend your life in their service, accomplishing their goals, enriching them. They spend billions of dollars trying to cram your brain so full of their messages there won't be any room for your own thoughts.They want you to slave at your job so you can buy their overpriced junk or tickets to their tasteless entertainment. The socialists want to fill your mind with their bilge so you'll abandon the one system that created the wealth the socialists are living off. Some preachers want to fill your mindwith a false religion so they can enjoy six-figure incomes. The Hate America crowd treats you like human cattle. It wants to hate yourself, hate your history and hate the symbols of your culture so you'll obey it.
Americans, get up off your knees and stand tall.
Your life is sacred.
Your freedom is sacred.
Your history and your culture and your country are invaluable.
Live free.
The worst someone can do is kill you, and you're going to die anyway.
It doesn't matter how you die; it matters how you live.
God bless America and God bless you,