Monday, July 23, 2007

The Foods That Turn ON Your Fat Burning Genes...

... and Get Your Metabolism Raging!
by Cliff Latham

"Eat all the Fat You Want and Lose Weight!"

Sounds like a 4 am infomercial, doesn't it?

And, if you are not easily swayed, tainted or sold, you roll your eyes and change the channel.

Good for you!

But in all actuality, it's true.

Not the way the infomercial claims, but there is truth to it.

Turn on the Fat Burning Genes

Eat 'good' fats and you will turn ON your peroxisome proliferator activated receptors on the nucleus of your cells (don't be impressed, I had to look that one up), labeled PPAR.
'Good' fats turn ON the genes that increases your metabolism, helping you burn fat more quickly and become healthier.

Eat 'bad' fats and you turn OFF those receptors. Actually not really off, but your genes, very quickly after eating a 'bad' fat will immediately promote weight gain and your metabolism to slow down.

Take home message?

The type of fat that you eat is more important than the amount of fat that you eat.

Want the list of GREAT fats?

Wild fish, including salmon, herring, sardines (farmed fish isn't as good, but better than not eating it at all)
Olive oil, flaxseeds and flax oil (add to shakes in a blender)
Nuts and seeds, including walnuts, pumpkin seeds, hazelnuts, almonds, brazil nuts, cashews, avocado, sesame seeds and pumpkin seeds

Here is a list of GOOD fats
Chicken, turkey, shrimp, trimmed tenderloin and lean pork - especially grain fed
Nut butters: almond and cashew. Peanut butter is okay as well.

List of BAD fats
Poultry with skin on.
Processed poultry products
Grain fed red meats in moderation
Bacon, ham and sausage
All processed meats (deli meats)

List of "Ugly" Fats
Most baked goods, processed foods and anything that says "partially hydrogenated fat" on the label.

Did you know:

that Ritz cracker can last for generations in its package?
a Twinkie lives longer than a tortoise?
and if you open a tub of margarine, a bug will never go near it. They know better!

Remember, the formula for success is 90% compliance. Not 100%

If you eat 5 meals (3 meals, 2 snacks/day) for 7 days, that's 35 meals. Ninety percent of that is 31 successful meals. So go enjoy 4 of them each week. Your body will take care of them appropriately.

A low fat diet won't help you lose weight. But a diet high in 'bad' fats is even worse.

Thanks Cliff.
