Sunday, July 15, 2007

Manhandle the munchies with meat!

If there are any readers who don't know that meat fat and meat protein are what's best for weight loss, strength, and a balanced, healthy diet, there's this study from the Netherlands...

According to recent Dutch research published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, yet another study has proven the worth of the Atkins-type dietary approach in curbing hunger and helping dieters lose weight. The single-blind study compared high-protein and high-carb breakfasts of equal caloric makeup in equal groups of subject men.

For three hours after chowing down, the researchers studied the men's level of satiety, and they repeatedly tested the men's blood to determine their bodily stimulation of the "hunger hormone" ghrelin.

No surprise to me...the carnivores experienced decreased secretion of ghrelin compared to the bagel group. This translated into less desire to eat and more favorable blood glucose and insulin levels...

Heck, (Extreme headshaking in progress) I could have told the Journal (as well as the Dutch scientists) this myself. This is something many in the health and fitness industry have known since the Beatles were still together!

Here's the earth shaking "AHA": You notice that you didn't read about the research on the front page of USA Today or hear about it on the evening news. The Atkins Diet and similar nutritional plans - work though they might - are out of vogue, thanks to the concentrated efforts of the mainstream media...

That's one reason why we're all still getting so much fatter.

Don't you just love corporate influence where your health and fitness concerns are involved?

God bless you,