Thursday, August 9, 2007

21 Patterns and Principles for Success 2

Dr. Edwin Louis Cole was a visionary, a teacher of men. He lived his life according to the patterns and principles of the Bible. He was a warrior for the Kingdom of God. He believed that “Everything in the Kingdom follows a pattern and is based on a principle – act on the patterns and principles and the anointing favor of God will be upon you and fill your life.”

Here are the remaining 11 principles:

11. Champions are not those who never fail; they are those who never quit. It is true of most of the heroes of Hebrews 11…flawed but never quitting.

12. Your care for others is the measure of your greatness. (Luke 9:46-48 TLB) “No one cares how much you know until they know how much you care.” Teddy Roosevelt

13. Your talent can take you where your character cannot sustain you. How often have we seen men rise to great levels, only to fall because they committed to building their talent, but not their character?

14. You are qualified to lead to the degree that you are willing to serve. (Mark 9:35)

15. You know the depth of loving by the degree of giving. (John 15:13)

16. You can give without loving, but you cannot love without giving.

17. The essence of humility is anonymity. (Matt 18:4; James 4:6; 1 Peter 5:5) There is no limit to what a man can do if he doesn’t care who gets the credit. Mark Twain

18. When you are faithful in that which is another’s, then God can give you your own. (Luke 16:12) This is a great key in the mentoring process; many men lose by unfaithfulness.

19. God gave Solomon largeness of heart. (I Kings 4:29) He had to have largeness of heart to handle greatness. (II John 1:9; Rom 2:14; Prov. 9:10 & 3:7)

20. Grace is the right to do what is right for Christ and His Kingdom, not what is right for my personal pleasure.

21. Life management starts with time management. Dr. Cole taught men the value of prioritizing time and to always set the family calendar first.

God bless you,