Sunday, October 14, 2007

Let's face it...God doesn't care!

God doesn't care what kind of car you drive - God cares that you are willing to drive people who don't have transportation.

God doesn't care about the square footage of your house - God cares that you welcome people into your home.

God doesn't care about the clothes you have in your closet - God cares that you help to clothe the needy.

God doesn't care what your salary is - God cares if you compromise your character to obtain or increase it.

God doesn't care what your job title is - God cares that you perform your job to the best of your ability and in a Christian manner.

God doesn't care how many friends you have - God cares that you show friendship and unconditional love to all people.

God doesn't care in what neighborhood you live - God cares how you treat your neighbors.

God doesn't care about the color of your skin - God cares about the content of your character.

God doesn't care why it took you so long to seek Salvation - God cares that you finally did seek His face and accept His grace.

God bless you,