Let me see if I can shed some light on it for you.
We as humans complicate things so much. That something so simple should be so difficult is a testament to the power of marketing and advertisement. I guess I'm just too dumb to know any better since I see most things in life in black and white.
We all have decisions to make each and every day. God has granted each of us freedom of choice, but there is a responsibility that coincides with that freedom. It's the law of sowing and reaping. You see, while each of us has the freedom to choose, once the choice is made we become a servant to that choice.
Please read that again.
While each of us has the freedom to choose, once the choice is made we become a servant (or slave, if you will) to that choice.
My question to you is this: To what are you willing to become a servant?
If you have a choice between a nice piece of fish, some fresh, crisp, steamed vegetables and a salad OR a few slices of pizza and a large glass of soda...which will you choose?
I believe it depends upon your goals as well as the level and quality of questions you ask yourself.
Here's what I mean: Let's say you have a clearly defined and written set of goals with a date for their achievement, and one them is to drop 15 pounds by March 15th. If an opportunity such as the one above should arise, you can then ask yourself this question, "Is what I'm about to eat going to take me closer to my goal or further from it?"
You know the meal with the fish is full of solid protein, quality carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, enzymes, phytonutrients, water and fiber. It is a body enhancing, health producing quality meal.
You also know the pizza and soda meal means crummy carbs, low protein, poor quality fats, not many vitamins, minerals, is devoid of enzymes and phytonutrients as well as fiber and contains WAY too much sugar. It is a nightmare on a plate and represents hours wasted at the gym.
You now know which meal will serve you better and to which you will "become a servant."
The bottom line:
- If you don't have a written set of clearly defined goals that you can look at at least twice per day, do it now. If you don't know how to set goals, e-mail me at steve@firestormfitness.com
- Eat foods as close to the way God made them. If they have been altered from their original form, seek the more natural choice. You will never be wrong in doing this.
- Learn to ask better quality questions. With respect to health and fitness, what we eat does not usually affect us in the here and now. The negative effects of smoking, drugs and alcoholism takes years to show up. Likewise, poor eating choices sort of creep up on usover time. Look down the road and ask, "Is this going to benefit me in the long run."
To what are you willing to become a slave?
God bless,