So you go to a doctor and he eyeballs you, pokes and prods you and maybe sticks a couple of instruments into your mouth or ears. He leaves the room for a few minutes and upon his return announces, "Mr Schmedlap, you have high blood pressure." (or diabetes, or high cholesterol or you're suffering from a depressed state)
If you're like most folks, you'd probably sigh heavily and reply, "Wow! Well doc, what medications should I take?"
If that is even remotely what you would say, please take a few minutes and reconsider.
Understand this: Drugs don't "cure" illness. They don't heal.
They just mask symptoms.
The typical style of medicine practiced in this nation (alopathic) is to treat symptoms, which is exactly what drugs do. They relieve symptoms. But they do not get to the "root" or cause of the issue.
It's a form of madness akin to cutting leaves from the weeds that may grow in your garden.
Initially, each and every drug on the market, and especially those which may be purchased OTC (over the counter) have potentially lethal side effects.
Quick quiz: Which OTC medication causes more deaths and acute liver failure than any other available today? I'll tell you in a minute.
The good news is that practically all drugs have a safe, natural and affordable nutritional or exercise related counterpart.
God put a lot of thought into our bodies and made them with an innate intelligence for self healing. When we give them the right amount of nutritional reinforcements (water, supplements), a nourishing diet, a little sun exposure, and exercise, there's no drug on the planet that can keep up in terms of health production and long term positive results.
Why not start right now to make the necessary changes to your daily habits and activities. If they include exercise, whole foods and drink and some sunshine keep them in your agenda. If they don't, get rid of them.
And if you're looking down the throat of a menacing potential health emergency, make yourself a promise to look to the foods, natural supplements, sunlight, and exercise that will give your body every advantage it needs to heal itself.
P.S. The answer to the question from earlier is Tylenol. Good old, "harmless" Tylenol.