The weight slammed to the floor with a loud “BANG!” and Ben turned to his training partner and sighed heavily.
“I just don’t get it John; I work out four days per week. I think I eat right. I’m doing cardio three times per week for thirty minutes at a stretch. I mean...WHAT MORE DO I HAVE TO DO TO LOSE THIS %$&* GUT?”
If you’ve ever felt frustrated by your training in that you’re not seeing the results you desire, I can bet it’s due to one of three things:
1. You aren’t training with enough intensity. And what exactly is intensity? My 1968 Funk & Wagnall’s dictionary defines intensity as: n. 1. The state or quality of being intense; extreme force, brightness, concentration, etc. 2. The strength or degree of some action, quality, feeling, etc. 3. Power and vehemence of thought or feeling; also, extreme effort and concentration.
What does that mean exactly? If, when you go to the gym, you are simply “going through the motions” or just getting by, you aren’t training with intensity. If you’re talking when you should be lifting or working, then you’re not training with intensity. If you’re resting for ten minutes between sets of exercises, you ain’t training with intensity.
Get serious, step up to the plate and tackle each and every set, and then go home.
2. You’re not lifting enough weight. This one really sticks in my craw. Men, as we get older we simply have to do something to keep a muscular physique to burn fat as well as stave off the aging process and radically reduce the inevitable effects of it by lifting weights. God made us to work, and to work hard. Lifting heavy objects is as natural and necessary as breathing if we are to stay lean and to maintain muscle mass into our later (latter) years.
And ladies, this applies to you as well. Lifting wimpy weights will do you no good. You must stress your muscles in order to radically change your metabolic rate and keep the “hips monster” at bay.
And please, do not attempt to justify your fear of lifting heavier weights with that tired old, weak and ineffective excuse that you “don’t want to get bulky.” I dare you to try bulk up.
In fact the only way you're going to bulk up is if you fall off of a clean eating regimen and start gourging yourself on more calories than your body can expend.
You see, lifting weights doesn’t make you big; eating a lot makes you big. O.K.?
3. You’re training with a crappy program. If you’re training on your own and you aren’t seeing the results you want, it’s probably because your training program stinks.
Stop reading “Muscle and Fiction” or any other bodybuilding magazine look into a real training program that incorporates total body workouts, real world guidelines and results.
And if you’re currently working out with a personal trainer and you aren’t losing fat, size, shape, transforming your shape or any of the other criteria that you and they agreed to (or should have) in the beginning, FIRE YOUR TRAINER because they suck!
Most fitness trainers don’t have a clue as to what it takes to see to it that their clients achieve the results they so desperately want, desire, pay handsomely for and therefore deserve.
In fact, I would go so far as to say most trainers stink!
I offer a full, 100% money back guarantee on all of my services. I have never had to pay back anyone because they have all received true value for what they've paid. I’ve even bet some trainers the title to my house that I could achieve results where they couldn’t because I have confidence in my ability produce results. They did not take me up and I can only conclude they knew they would lose because they didn’t know if their methods really worked or not.
I know mine work and I have the testimonials and satisfied clients to back it up.
If you’re ready to fire your trainer and finally see the results you deserve, please write me at
God bless,