Thursday, April 17, 2008

Follow-thru: This time it's for real Part 4

This is the final installment of the series on “Follow-through.”

So far I’ve covered what I feel constitutes follow-through, and two of the three biggest road-blocks along the path to success.

Just to recap, the first two were “misinformation” and “ignorance.” Today I’ll finish this topic by discussing what I feel is the most insidious of the three, “Laziness.”

This topic could actually be broken down into two separate, but equal in many respects, categories:
Lack of discipline and/or laziness.

You see, it takes discipline to follow-through on what you know to be the correct path to a particular goals achievement, in this instance exercise and nutrition. Discipline requires the eradication of laziness, shortcuts and minimal effort. You must act with intent, single-minded in your resolve to attain that which you have determined to be your outcome.

It is said that on the road to goal attainment that we all suffer from one of two forms of pain: the pain of discipline or the pain of regret. Which would you feel is MORE painful?

We all live by either preference or by conviction. Our preferences weaken and can be negotiated with and changed under pressure; real or perceived. Our convictions grow stronger each day and are non-negotiable. Therefore the question remains: are your goals and desires a preference or a conviction?

Proverbs 4:23 warns us to be careful how we think because our lives are shaped by our thoughts. Where are your own thoughts leading you?

Lack of discipline and laziness are decisions.

As I stated (in part 2 of this article) from Dr. Edwin Louis Cole, in his book “Treasure”:
“The level on which you live is under your power of choice. You have the freedom to choose, but once the choice is made (decision), you become the servant of that choice.”

Now, again, ask yourself the question: “What choices and decisions am I willing to be a servant to no longer?”

Now take action on those decisions.

God bless you,