Saturday, April 5, 2008

The Wealthiest Place on Earth

With so many minds focused on the election or the talk of a recession, it is easy to lose focus on true treasure. Let me ask you a question: where is the wealthiest treasure on earth buried?

It’s not the oilfields of Kuwait...

It’s not the diamond fields of South Africa...

It isn’t in the goldmines in Alaska...

It’s in the cemetery.

Buried beneath that sacred ground are dreams that never came to fruition, songs that were never sung, books that were never written, ideas never shared, inventions never designed.

There are plans for wondrous things that never made it past the drawing board of the mind and purposes that were never fulfilled.

Why? Only a tiny fraction of those who ever inhabit this planet will ever discover and fulfill their true potential. God placed abilities in each and every one of us. What are you doing to bring them to the forefront of your life so that they may be shared with others to their benefit?

Here are three great questions to ask to seek your true potential:
1. “Who am I?”
2. “Why did God place me here?”
3. “How much potential do I have?”
4. “How can I maximize my potential to the benefit of others and to glorify the One who gave it to me?”

Ask a better quality question and you may receive a better quality answer.

God bless,