Thursday, May 1, 2008

When You Eat = How Much You Lose

Most people think that working out will make changes in your body. Sorry, it doesn't work that way.

The workout is simply a stimulus that allows the food you eat to re-create cells to change.

In other words, what we eat and when we eat it, is the key to change.

Your workout is simply the message that initiates change. The food actually does the work.
Many sources (and common misperceptions) instruct us not to eat immediately after a workout, but that's so far from the truth it's scary.

After any type of training, no matter the time of day, you have 30-45 minutes to put food into your muscle cells and not a single drop into your fat cells! It's called the "Golden Hour" and it is, seemingly, magical from a muscle development standpoint. Two hours later, hormonally, it is much more challenging to put nutrients into your muscles and much more will go to your fat cells!

"So Steve, how do I make a post-workout meal?"

Believe me when I say, it's okay if it contains some sugar as well as protein. Plenty of research has shown that sugar, while eaten at other times of the day is bad, can be very beneficial in that first 30-45 minutes after your workout.

Protein powder (10 grams) and sugar (Kool Aid or Gatorade works just fine - 40 grams) is ideal and easy to make: 1/2 scoop of vanilla protein powder in a small serving of Grape Kool-Aid is my fave!

And it does more than just build muscles!
It boosts your immune system, which typically takes a hit after a workout.
It dramatically speeds your recovery.
It increases fat oxidation (that's right, sugar can help you lose weight during this Golden Hour!)
It helps stabilize and regenerate potential lost muscle tissue.
It boosts the metabolism over the next 24 hours.

For more detailed info grab a copy of Nutrient Timing by John Ivy Ph.D. a respected and well known exercise physiologist from UT.

By avoiding or skipping this "meal" you are missing a golden opportunity to build some lean muscle and lose fat. In fact, if you skip this "meal" it is going to be that much harder to reach your goals.

God bless,