Friday, June 20, 2008

5 Fat Loss Mistakes

and How to Correct Them

Here are five of the biggest fat loss train-wrecks that I see men and women making each and every day...fix these, and you'll lose fat.

1) Not having sufficient support and back up.

Trying to lose fat without adequate social support is not the ideal way to lose fat. Ideally, you'd have a medical professional, an RD, a fitness professional, your workout partner, your spouse, your workmates, and your friends all behind you. A substantial amount of research has demonstrated that you will benefit most from a health professional (i.e. a trainer) and a successful workout partner. When you have those two members of your team it is then time to then work on getting the rest of the group.

2) Not using a professionally designed, structured program.

When you go to the gym, do you have a plan for improvement and gain, or do you wander around wondering what to do next? If you said the latter, then you're merely wasting your time. That’s the beauty of The 28 Day Miracle Fat Loss Program. With it, you know what you have to do; you can stick to it, and see it through. No wasted time wandering around the gym deciding where to start and you get guaranteed results.

3) Not changing your workout after 4 weeks.

That's the longest you should go on one program. If it's been 6-months since you've altered your routine, have someone smack you back into reality. That’s a secret of success from the Firestorm Fitness Systems Fat Burning Fit Camps. We never do the same workout twice. Ask yourself this question: If my workout hasn't worked yet, why do I think it's magically going to start now? Change it up frequently. You'll get more results and you'll have more fun.

4) Failing to understand that your results will come more from good nutrition than from training.

You want to lose fat? You have to eat right for fat loss. You've heard me say it before, "No amount of hard work will overcome crummy eating habits."

Try as you might, you can train like an animal and eat junk like a pig and never see any fat loss. No program is that good. Diet beats training every time, like the Celtics beat the Lakers.

Eat whole, natural and unprocessed foods in 6 smaller meals per day. Load up on fiber, lots of protein, lots of vegetables. Eat healthy fats, but avoid trans fats. Drink lots of water and tea. So simple, so effective. Eat for energy, not for gluttony.

5) Not knowing when to quit.

Here’s an example of an email I get daily: “Do I need to add more cardio or lift longer to see better results?” It sounds logical, right? After all, if some is good, more training must be better?


If your program is solid, and you’re not making progress, then you’re either
A) lacking intensity,
B) not following your nutrition, or
C) both of the previous.

You have to draw the line somewhere. You simply cannot keep adding more and more exercise. Have you ever heard of the law of diminishing returns? Well it applies here because for each additional set you do, and from every extra cardio session it gets harder and harder to recover. Also, your body can break down quickly from too much work, particularly when you are calorically challenging yourself from a strict diet.
Overtraining and low calories go together like a Hershey Bar and sardines. Neither of these combos will speed your metabolism.

Instead, set your sights on quality over quantity. The "volume approach to fat loss" popularized in the 80's (lots of cardio and lots of carbs) was a disaster. Guess what? It still doesn’t work...and for good reason. Stick to high quality nutrition, and high-quality training.

Here’s the bottom line: What really matters is results. Not "the pump", not muscle soreness, not feeling exhausted after each workout, and not feeling deprived of food.

Quality work and quality food for a better body. That’s the REAL solution!

God bless,