Tuesday, July 29, 2008
My new favorite chicken recipe
1 Whole chicken, skin & excess fat removed
1/4 cup orange juice
2 Tbls lime juice ( I have a key lime tree in my yard, so it's fresh!:)
1/4 cup tequila
2 Tbls olive oil
1 Tbls tabassco or other spicy hot sauce (click the link to see what I use)
1/2 tsp sea salt
1/2 tsp ground black pepper
4-5 cloves garlic, coarse chopped
Place the chicken in a resealable plastic bag.
Mix all of the ingredients together and pour them over the chicken. Place the bag in the fridge.
About every thirty minutes or so flip the bag. Do this for 6 hours.
Place the chicken on the grill and cook it. When it's done...try not to eat the whole bird.
God bless,
Monday, July 28, 2008
2 metabolism boosters that will help you burn fat
After some questioning I discovered that what she meant by "doing everything right" entailed a) eating a lot less, b) eating less often, and c) eating a "low-fat" diet. In my opinion, she was damaging her ability to lose weight by slowing down her body's metabolism.
Here's the bottom line: In order to maximize your fat-burning potential, you simply must turn up the heat on your metabolism.
How, you ask? Here are a couple of ideas:
- Stop starving yourself. By eliminating calories dramatically you slow down the rate of your metabolism. This is a great way to lose muscle...but not a lot of fat. You should instead focus on eating MORE nutrient dense, protein sources instead of calorie dense foods.
- Eat small meals more often. Eating five to seven small meals and healthy snacks all through the day effectively boosts your metabolism. It also ensures that you don't consume too much in one sitting, as well as overeat in general. Doing this keeps your blood sugar levels stable, regulates insulin and ensures fat loss and muscle retention.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Two points of interest:
In the NIV version it states, "Where there are no oxen, the manger is empty, but from the strength of an ox comes an abundant harvest.”
What does this mean and how does it apply to you and I? Quite simply it means that: a) you have work to succeed, and b) you must put up with, and expect to wade through, a little “dung” (i.e. do things you may not like) in order to have a productive life, job, harvest, etc.
Fat loss training, when done properly, is very difficult and intense. If it were easy everyone would be lean and sexy. One of my colleagues says that "fat loss is easy once you realize how hard it is." No one really likes working out, but everyone enjoys having worked out. It's the benefits we're after.
2) Thomas Edison tried 10,000 times to invent the incandescent light bulb. He failed over and over again because he did not remember one of the basic rules of chemistry: where oxygen is present, material is consumed to keep the fire alive.
The reason a light bulb “works” is due to the absence of oxygen. It is able to “maintain” light, and yet not destroy the “material” because no oxygen is present in the bulb. That is why the bulb pops when broken; the oxygen has been vacuumed out.
Have you ever wondered why so many who are overweight, out-of-shape and fat appear the way they do? We need do nothing more than analyze the level of oxygen that they consume to have the answer. If we want to “consume” the material that makes our own fire burn, i.e. body fat, we must make sure that there is an abundance of oxygen present. We must engage in activities that have a significant oxygen demand.
This is the essence of my Personal Fitness Training System, The Firestorm Fitness Systems Fat Burning Fit Camps and The 28 Day Miracle Fat Loss Program.
If you're really serious about fat loss, I can help.
God bless,
Thursday, July 17, 2008
The 7 Laws of Training
1. The Principle of Individual Differences.
2. The Principle of Overcompensation.
3. The Principle of Overload.
4. The Specific Adaptation to Imposed Demands (SAID) Principle.
5. The General Adaptation Syndrome (GAS) Principle.
6. The Use/Disuse Principle.
7. The Specificity Principle.
1. The Principle of Individual Differences.
No one’s training can and should be the same. Consider the following:
- Bigger muscles heal slower than smaller muscles.
- Fast movements require more recovery time than slow movements.
- Red fiber muscle tissue recovers quicker than White fiber muscle tissue.
- Women recover slower than men.
- Younger folks recover quicker than older folks.
- Heavier loads require more recovery than lower loads.
There are many more variables. But these points sum up the point. Furthermore, because not all athletic endeavors are the same, training must be specific (which will be covered later). It makes no sense for a football player, a power lifter and a marathon runner to train the same. Each is “strong” in his or her given sport, and will benefit only by training to enhance their particular “strength”.
2. The Principle of Overcompensation.
What happens when you rub the palm of your hand at the knuckles? If done enough -- but not too much – a calluses will form. Rub it too much and a blister will form. The calluses are good and the blister bad... The bottom line is that God designed the body so that it overcompensates and adapts to the stress it receives. Muscles and skill performance are no different. This leads to (among the other principles) to the Overload Principle.
3. The Overload Principle.
In order to force this “overcompensation”, or the stress placed upon the body, there must be an overload, or in other words a stimulus greater than what is generally placed upon the body. If you are content to squat the same weight with the same reps and sets without ever improving, your chances of improving in the squat are very small. Likewise, if you jump, run or move the same way without ever making it more difficult to do so or trying to do better, you will not make improvements in sport specific skills.
4. Specific Adaptation to Imposed Demands or SAID.
The body will adapt in a highly specific way. To become better at squats, you must do squats. To gain more endurance, you must train enduringly. To become more explosive, you must train explosively. This principle further notes the points made under the Principle of Individual Differences. Training must be specific and it makes no sense to train for anything other than your sport specific skills. However, as we shall see, there are exceptions.
5. The General Adaptation Principle or GAS Principle.
This principle was presented by Dr. Hans Selye years ago and was originally applied to psychological stress. However, it has also been applied, and accepted, to physical stress in three phases:
1. The Alarm Phase. The body will not like the overloaded stress place upon it and begins to take drastic measures to combat it.
2. The Resistance Phase. The body will try to resist the stress.
3. The Exhaustion Phase. The body will inevitably become exhausted if it doesn’t receive rest from the stress.
This 3 phase principle leads to the belief that there must be periods of low or no intensity between those overloaded stresses which tax the body. You simply can’t train hard all the time! Doing so will lead to overtraining (generally over a period of several weeks) and dire consequences will follow. This is the main reason we take a week off from training between sessions of the Firestorm Fitness Systems Fat Burning Fit Camps as well as The 28 Day Miracle Fat Loss Program !
6. The Use/Disuse Principle with the GAS Principle.
The question of recovery becomes, “Low or no intensity?” The main problem is that it could take weeks to recover from explosive activity (recall what was said in the Principle of Individual Differences), yet there is still the matter of skill training to be considered. Furthermore, the body will never adapt unless it is taxed often enough. Therefore, there must be periods of low intensity (but periods of intensity, indeed!) between periods of high intensity.
7. The Specificity Principle.
Getting back to the SAID Principle, the body will adapt in a highly specific way to the training it receives. However, a strong athletic foundation is needed and the body may not be ready for such specific training. This is especially so given that:
1. The season many times causes injury or some breakdown of a solid foundation, and
2. Many sports are ballistic in nature and the body may not be ready to act or train in such a way.
The Specificity Principle simply states that for the reasons mentioned above, training must go from highly general training to highly specific training. As an example; if you are a shot putter, you might consider starting out with limited amount of strength training and light cardiovascular conditioning, perhaps in the form of sprints. You would later move on to general explosive training, perhaps performing Cleans or dumbbell cleans, and low impact plyometric training and then move on to shock training. If you try to do shock training before the other phases, you will run the risk of such training being ineffective and possibly dangerous and leading to injury.
There may be other “laws” or principles of training. However, these seven usually (if not always) cover all aspects of athletic training. Once put together, the most logical training program involves a periodized approach, which cycles the intensity and training objectives. The training must be specific not only to your sport, but to your individual abilities, such as tolerance to training stress, recovery ability, outside obligations, etc. You must increase the training loads over time, allowing some workouts to be less intense than others, and you must train often enough not only to keep a “detraining effect” from happening, but to also force an adaptation.
God bless,
Monday, July 14, 2008
Obesity and Consumer Debt: Do we Live TOO Hand to Mouth?
In the year 2005, the rate of consumer debt was 950 billion dollars. By 2006 that number had risen to 1 trillion dollars. To put that into perspective, that is $3333.333 per person living in the United States.
The corollary to this is the rate of growth in obesity in the U.S. It is estimated that between 1976 to 1980 obesity levels averaged about 14.5 percent. Between 1988 to 1994, the level had grown to 23 percent. From 1999 to 2004 the estimated level of obesity had reached an average of 30.5 percent. Does this look like a direct reflection of the rate of consumer debt increases?
Here’s a neat little program that illustrates the level of growth over the years: http://health.msn.com/reports/obesity/
And this may only be the tip of the iceberg. Researchers at the Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH) analyzed data from health surveys, which are used to estimate obesity levels in states. Because people tend to provide incorrect information about their weight and height, especially in telephone surveys, the researchers concluded that estimates of obesity in individual states have been too low, by more than 50 percent. Their study, which corrects for misreporting in those surveys, appears in the May 2006 issue of the Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine.
Based on this new understanding of the survey data, the authors found that, on average, women tend to underestimate their weight while men do not. When it comes to height, young and middle-aged men tend to overestimate their height more than women in the same age groups. In 2002, the corrected prevalence of obesity in the U.S. population was 28.7 percent for adult men and 34.5 percent for adult women, more than 50 percent higher than previously estimated.
The research, which presents the first-ever corrected estimates of obesity for individual states, found that Southern states have the highest levels of obesity in the country. Using the authors' corrected data for 2000, the highest obesity levels for men were found in Texas (31 percent) and Mississippi (30 percent). For women, Texas (37 percent), Louisiana (37 percent), Mississippi (37 percent), District of Columbia (37 percent), Alabama (37 percent), and South Carolina (36 percent) led the pack. States with the lowest prevalence of corrected obesity for men in 2000 were Colorado (18 percent), District of Columbia (21 percent), and Montana (21 percent); for women, Colorado (24 percent), Montana (25 percent), and Massachusetts (27 percent).
What are we really dealing with here? Is this a lack mentality, where we feel that because of any number of influences (Madison Avenue marketing methods, keeping up with the Jones’, etc) has us believing that we don’t have all that we should? Or is it simply a lack of discipline?
Whatever the reasons, the issue is growing…no pun intended. What, therefore, is the best way to combat it? Epictetus, the ancient wise-guy, said, “Contentment comes not so much from great wealth as from few wants.” The Bible puts it this way, “For He satisfies the longing soul, and fills the hungry soul with goodness.” (Psalm 107:9) and, “Better is little with the fear of the Lord, than great treasure with trouble.” (Proverbs 15:16)
So does that mean that we aren’t to strive to better ourselves and to seek provision? No. However, I think it means that if what you are seeking is some external “something” to fill the void in your life where you feel empty, whether it is food or some material object, then you will either go broke or explode.
Marketing experts have an understanding about your weaknesses and use it to their advantage each and every day. That weakness is this: Humans are predisposed to purchase (or eat) emotionally and justify it logically.
Please read that again.
Do you really NEED a Mercedes 250 SL, or do you want it? Do you really NEED a second or third home, or do you want it? Please understand, if you have been blessed to make enough to afford these types of things and they won’t place an emotional or financial burden upon you or your family, go for it. On the other hand, if you’re deep in consumer debt, why dig any deeper?
The same applies to health. Do you really NEED second helpings or do you want it? Do you really NEED dessert after your meals, or do you want it? Occasionally is fine, but just because you were poor as a kid (or had older brothers who always got the most food, or …(fill in the blank) doesn’t mean you have to live that way now. You are in control of your life and health.
Remember this: You have the power to choose. However, once the decision is made you become a servant to that decision. Does that make sense?
Now, what decision will you make with respect to your level of health and fitness?
I have two solutions to offer San Antonians in the battle of the bulge: Firestorm Fitness System Fat Burning Fit Camps and The 28 Day Miracle Fat Loss Program.
Why not give yourself or someone you love the gift of health and fitness?
God bless,
Saturday, July 12, 2008
This explains everything.
You have two cows.
Your neighbor has none.
You feel guilty for being successful.
You push for higher taxes so the government can provide cows for everyone.
You have two cows.
Your neighbor has none.
You have two cows.
The government takes one and gives it to your neighbor.
You form a cooperative to tell him how to manage his cow.
You have two cows.
The government seizes both and provides you with milk.
You wait in line for hours to get it.
It is expensive and sour.
You have two cows.
You sell one, buy a bull, and build a herd of cows.
You have two cows.
Under the new farm program the government pays you to shoot one, milk the other, and then pours the milk down the drain.
You have two cows.
You sell one, lease it back to yourself and do an IPO on the 2nd one.
You force the two cows to produce the milk of four cows.
You are surprised when one cow drops dead.
You spin an announcement to the analysts stating you have downsized and are reducing expenses.
Your stock goes up.
Is that clear now?
Thursday, July 10, 2008
I just LOVE Red Snapper

1 lb. red Snapper
Sauté onion in butter until tender.
Serve with lime slices as a garnish.
1/4 cup olive oil
Preheat oven to 350 F.
In a medium frying pan, sauté onion and garlic in oil about 5 minutes.
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Happy 10th Anniversary to my Wonderful, Loving Wife Kennon Marie
10 years isn't a long time, really.
In 10 years time I've managed to get married, nearly ruin it, several times, and with the help of God Almighty and the unimaginably patient and tender love and forgiveness of my wife, still be married.
My wife, Kennon Marie, quite literally has saved my life from one of self-destructive idiocy and contempt to that of someone who is used by God to help, lend a hand and instruct.
Thank you, Kennon.
I love you more than mere words can construct.
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Quit your whinin'
You see, you're special. You're unique. And in case you ever need a reminder of that, you now have a place where you can go and recieve a brief refresher course.
You're welcome.
This is written by Steve Sisler, founder of Behavioral Resource Group. Enjoy...and remember!
You will blink 330 million times in a lifetime, make 25 million finger clenches, 2.5 billion heartbeats, pump 350 million quarts of blood, make 740 million breaths, laugh 540,000 times and cry 3,000 times (not enough in my opinion).
The average male has 400 billion sperm at conception that travel an equivalent of 5 miles and you’re one of them. Your kidney filters 40 gallons of blood a day. You will grow 60 feet of fingernails, 350 miles of hair and have 45 miles of nerves that send impulses at over 325 mph. You are producing 8 million red blood cells every second.
You have about 6 lbs. of skin that would cover 20 sq. ft. You will make 1 billion steps covering about 77,000 miles with each step landing on the bones of your feet with a force three times your body weight. You will breath in about 78 million gallons of air, which is enough to fill the Hindenburg one and half times.
You have 20 feet of small intestine, which covers about 100 sq. ft. of surface area and 6 feet of large intestine, which is five times the area of the bodies skin. Your intestines will squeeze out over 4 tons of food in 70 years.
Blood can reach any part of your body in six seconds. Your fingertips are so sensitive that four one hundred thousandths of an inch depression can be felt. Your eyes can see a small candle lit 30 miles away on a crisp evening. You can taste 4/100 gram of salt in 530 quarts of water. The eye can see 300,000 color variations and the ear can hear three one hundred thousandths of a second difference from one ear to the other. Every person has a unique and special voice print, finger print, iris print and body odor.
You have 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 (one oct-till-ion) atoms in your body all being held together by “magic” and being run by a 3 lb. glob of “mishmash” which contains enough energy to light one light-bulb. To put the amount of atoms in perspective, imagine 250,000 earth’s all filled with 4 feet of peas.
Now, the next time you think you can’t accomplish something, you think you’re not unique or special, why don’t you think again.
Steve Sisler”
I know what the "magic" is that holds us together.
God doesn't make junk. You have skills, talents and abilities that are unique to you alone. Explore them, put your powerful mind to use and develop them and be what He designed you to become.
God bless you this week,
Friday, July 4, 2008
Happy Birthday, America!
- When you reach for the faucet, do you have any doubt that, a) water will come out, and b) that it will be clean for either washing or consumption?
- We are free to complain about high prices on gas and electricity, and yet we have A/C, a vehicle to carry us places, and dry, comfortable well lit homes.
- Our food, which we did not grow, gets to our plate on heat we do not have to produce and is cleaned by instruments run by power we do not generate. We eat better at one meal than 3/4 of the world eats all day. Our garbage disposals eat better than those poor souls.
- We have schools for learning things which most of the world isn't even aware of.
- When we get sick or injured we have readily available, competent medical care.
- We have young men and women, in an all voluntary military no less, willing to stand in harms way to protect us from those who would do us harm! This boggles my pea-sized brain!
These are just a few of the thousands of things we, as a nation, are blessed by each and every day.
Freedom of speech, the press, religion, right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness are just some of the things I am so thankful to God Almighty to have.
And it all starts with this:
We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
God bless you this week, and God bless America,