Saturday, July 5, 2008

Quit your whinin'

I recently read the following passage and thought you might be able to benefit from it.

You see, you're special. You're unique. And in case you ever need a reminder of that, you now have a place where you can go and recieve a brief refresher course.

You're welcome.

This is written by Steve Sisler, founder of Behavioral Resource Group. Enjoy...and remember!

You will blink 330 million times in a lifetime, make 25 million finger clenches, 2.5 billion heartbeats, pump 350 million quarts of blood, make 740 million breaths, laugh 540,000 times and cry 3,000 times (not enough in my opinion).

The average male has 400 billion sperm at conception that travel an equivalent of 5 miles and you’re one of them. Your kidney filters 40 gallons of blood a day. You will grow 60 feet of fingernails, 350 miles of hair and have 45 miles of nerves that send impulses at over 325 mph. You are producing 8 million red blood cells every second.

You have about 6 lbs. of skin that would cover 20 sq. ft. You will make 1 billion steps covering about 77,000 miles with each step landing on the bones of your feet with a force three times your body weight. You will breath in about 78 million gallons of air, which is enough to fill the Hindenburg one and half times.
You have 20 feet of small intestine, which covers about 100 sq. ft. of surface area and 6 feet of large intestine, which is five times the area of the bodies skin. Your intestines will squeeze out over 4 tons of food in 70 years.

Blood can reach any part of your body in six seconds. Your fingertips are so sensitive that four one hundred thousandths of an inch depression can be felt. Your eyes can see a small candle lit 30 miles away on a crisp evening. You can taste 4/100 gram of salt in 530 quarts of water. The eye can see 300,000 color variations and the ear can hear three one hundred thousandths of a second difference from one ear to the other. Every person has a unique and special voice print, finger print, iris print and body odor.

You have 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 (one oct-till-ion) atoms in your body all being held together by “magic” and being run by a 3 lb. glob of “mishmash” which contains enough energy to light one light-bulb. To put the amount of atoms in perspective, imagine 250,000 earth’s all filled with 4 feet of peas.

Now, the next time you think you can’t accomplish something, you think you’re not unique or special, why don’t you think again.

Steve Sisler”

I know what the "magic" is that holds us together.

God doesn't make junk. You have skills, talents and abilities that are unique to you alone. Explore them, put your powerful mind to use and develop them and be what He designed you to become.

God bless you this week,