Ladies, this is written to the men, but read it anyway...then have them read it.
My life is a dream...really. I have a job wherein I don’t have to go to work...I get to go.
I am blessed beyond comprehension in that I not only love what I do but I get paid to do it.
I’m married to the most spectacular woman to ever grace the face of the planet. How do I know?
She is patient, understanding and loving... with me.
You cannot, even in your wildest dreams, understand fully the magnitude of that statement. I know I kid around a lot, but seriously, that statement alone is worth millions.
My wonderful bride, Kennon Marie, has the tolerance, grace, maturity, even-headedness, forgiveness and aplomb to withstand even the most egregious of my tirades and still stick by my side.
This astounds me beyond description.
To state that I am a most complex and diverse individual is an understatement of immeasurable degree. Quite frankly, I would kill myself if I had to live with me.
No joke.
When we stated our vows, and the judge said, “Until death do you part...” he had no idea what he was asking. Kennon Marie has gone way, way beyond that.
And yet, Kennon flows through life with the sweetest, most demure attitude about me, supports me and it quite simply boggles my mind. I am grateful for this beyond words and unworthy beyond my ability to express it.
I am also fascinated by the way my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, keeps me in good standing and simply walking erect and drawing breath each and every day. He is, without a doubt, the most benevolent, grace giving, forgiving and patient Being ever.
He tolerates my disobedience and gently, but firmly, steers me in a direction that glorifies Him.
He allows me to have some semblance (or belief thereof) of control over my life...all the while letting me know that He has placed a desire to do His will into me. I am humbled and perplexed by this and it pervades my thinking well into the night and interrupts my thoughts throughout the day.
On another note, as a father I am constantly aware of the impact that my decisions and actions have had upon the development of my girls. Good, bad or indifferent...each and every action that they witnessed is stored away in their subconscious mind and plays a role in their every decision.
As their father, the “leader” of their family, this weighs heavily upon me. If you are a parent, and especially a father, this should be something you ponder as well.
I have grieved for my irresponsible choices, selfish attitudes and immature decisions to the point that no words could express what was emanating from my soul and only the tears and groaning of my heart was audible to my Lord. Thank God He is able to discern my pleading and restore my soul. He is helping me with the rest as we speak.
Parenting is hard. Being married is hard. If you are currently married or a parent, or ever know this. If you’re contemplating either, please allow me to encourage you in this:
1. Allow the Lord to be your guide. The Bible is a hand book for survival. Read it and use it...a lot.
2. Let your wife and children see you as human. I know we’re nothing more than troglodytes with less hair, but we screw up more than we care to admit. Apologize for your mistakes and ask for their forgiveness. They need to hear it and you need to say it. Often.
3. Listen to your kids and yet be their parent. You have to make decisions for them. Be friendly to them, but you cannot, and should not, be their friend. Their friends will not tell them “no”, and you will need too...more often than not.
4. Don’t “do” so much for them. Let them struggle. Allow them to figure things out. Stop interrupting your schedule to let them “do” so much. Remember, we’re human beings, not human doings. They should be as well.
5. Pray for your family. A lot. Until your knees bleed.
6. Seriously, pray for them.
7. Hug them, kiss them and tell them you love them. If you ever have to ask if you did any of these things then you need to man up and do a better job. Ask your wife or kids if they ever get tired of hearing you say it or show it.
8. Be a good husband to your wife. How do you think they learn what a good husband or father is supposed to look like?
9. Read good books by authors who have something to say. Do not make the mistake of believing that a dog is man’s best friend; that’s a lie. Books are. Edwin Louis Cole, Steve Farrar, Stu Weber, James Dobson, and more. These guys can teach you things, but you have to crack the pages to receive it.
10. Make time to spend time with your kids and learn about them. Take them fishing, camping, hiking...somewhere it’s quiet and you can chat with them without interruption. More than anything in the world, kids want you. Time is that payment.
11. Cry. It’s a normal human emotion and it will solidify in your children’s or spouses mind that you actually have them. Be the steel of the family...just be covered in velvet.
God bless,