- You simply must ingest fewer calories than you use, or in other words create a caloric deficit. Failure to comprehend this one will result in little to no success whatsoever in your goal of fat loss. You’ve got to become a human inferno and burn calories like mesquite wood in a fireplace.
- Short of a miracle, the most proficient technique for bringing forth this “loss” is through a combination of intelligent, well-planned nutritional actions and smart exercise program selections.
- Lean proteins, fruits and vegetables should make up the greater part of your dietary framework. Starches (both simple and complex) and refined carbohydrates of any kind must be kept to an utter minimum. Drink water consistently and frequently while striving to eat 4-6 small meals a day. In doing this you will assist your body in regulating your blood sugar levels as well as reinforce your plans for a solid, nutritionally complete eating regimen.
- As far as training goes, use interval training and resistance training designed to increase your metabolic capacity to complete the ultimate level of gains for your hard work. In doing so you will also make the most of your time and effectiveness. Remember this: extended bouts of slow aerobic activity just can’t get the job done as far as calories burned now, especially when your desire is fat loss. What does that kind of innefficiency look like? How about 30 minutes of time on an elliptical trainer at a constant pace or a 2 mile walk at 3.0 miles per hour on a treadmill. And when you lift weights, always use a success producing routine, like multi-joint movements (squats, rows, pushups, etc) and full body routines if your ultimate goal is fat loss.
- You will see amazing results when you train a minimum of six days a week. How do you do this? By performing three days of interval centered cardio and three days of strength training using free-weights, bands, body weight or some other type of resistance.
- When it comes to supplements, remember this: supplements are exactly what they say they are…supplements to sound nutrition. In reality, there are very few (like in almost nothing) supplements out there that will have measurable impact on your physique. Sucks to be you, right? Don’t despair completely, however. There are a few that can potentially boost your metabolism somewhat, or give you a shot of energy down the stretch. This isn’t a given, so don’t get your hopes too high. Even though these have some value, when it comes to “rubber meets the road” measurable numbers in the form of fat lost, they simply do not carry much weight. (no pun intended) However, that doesn’t negate the possible necessity of taking some on a consistent basis. Multivitamins and fish oil fall into this category. They’re great, but they generally target your overall health. Protein powders and/or meal replacement supplements have a spot in your regimen, but really in the realm of expediency and ease of use. Most are nothing more than high quality food, so why not just eat that instead?
God bless,
Firestorm Fitness Systems Fat Burning Fit Camps