From Nutrition Expert, Brad Pilon...
"I just read "Mindless Eating" by Brian Wansink. Almost every page had great facts about the way food is marketed and the factors that make us decide to eat. This book is definitely in my list of top must-read nutrition books.
Here's the top lesson from this book...
You know how everybody these days seems to be blaming the food companies for our obesity problem? - as if it's some giant conspiracy?
Well the number one thing I learnt from "Mindless Eating" is that there is no "fat conspiracy".
Food companies DO NOT CARE if you EAT their foods. They only care if you BUY their foods and continue to BUY their foods.
The people at McDonalds don't care if you buy a happy meal, turn around and throw it in the garbage, just as long as you buy the happy meal.
Also, food isn't designed to be "fattening" (whatever that means). Food is designed to be inexpensive for the companies to make and desirable enough for you to repeatedly purchase.So while food companies, restaurants and shopping centers go to great lengths to figure out how to make us BUY food, WE are the ones making the decision to EAT the food."
Thanks Brad.
That's it for today,
God bless,