We all know the secrets to effective fat loss, right? Eat fewer calories than we take in, train hard and smart, drink water, blah, blah. It’s always intrigued me, however, that even with this knowledge some folks achieve massive success while others struggle in the mire of mediocrity.
Why is that?
My personal guess? Limiting beliefs and/or self-sabotage. After all, who’s in charge of your life? Of course…you are. And if you’re truly in the drivers seat but are not currently seeing the level of success that you know you are fully capable, how do you fix it?
Here’s what I propose:
First: determine specifically just how much body fat you would like to lose. This is where the skill of goal setting comes in handy.
Second: determine a deadline date for achieving this level of success.
Third: walk over to the nearest mirror in your home and negotiate the deal with your boss.
That’s right; the person you see in the mirror is the same person who determines your level of health and fitness success. This same person also determines every aspect of your existence.
Face it; you are the C.E.O. of your personal company: You, Inc.
As the C.E.O. of You, Inc., you are responsible for every aspect and personal interest of your business. With respect to health and fitness you are in charge of the “Big 3” that determines the success of your “business”: training, eating right and rest & recovery.
As C.E.O., if you exercise full control and responsibility for these three factors, You, Inc. will be a big success. The stock goes through the roof and all are happy.
However, a failure to take full command for them leads to less than exemplary standards. For example, not taking control over your training means you won’t show up for scheduled sessions. If you’re negligent as the boss over your eating, it doesn’t matter how much you train, you won’t see results or recover adequately. And the failure to fully recover will likely lead to a stress fracture, sickness or some other negative condition.
And you’ve got to go to sleep at night to fully rest and recover; otherwise, as you do show up to train, you won’t want to workout because you’re tired. The reasons why you stayed up don’t really matter, the body is unforgiving. As the C.E.O. and commander in charge of your company it’s up to you; train hard, eat right, rest & recover. The more of that you do at a higher quality than previously before, the more success you achieve.
How to implement this plan:
On the first day of each month, determine specifically how much body fat you want to lose in pounds that month. Attach a dollar amount to it. As an example, $10 for each pound lost.
Now, take out your checkbook and write a check for the amount of money that you expect to lose in body fat that month.
Date it for the last day of the month.
Make it payable to yourself.
Sign it.
For the rest of the month, concentrate on figuring out how you are going to make that payroll ... just like a company C.E.O.
By making the decision to think of yourself as the C.E.O. and not as an employee of your own organization, you have made the important decision to take responsibility as the principal creative power in your own life. By doing this you transition from a victim or a passive recipient of what happens in your life to that of the controlling force. You are an active participant. You assume control.
You also give yourself permission to succeed, to go into the world and make your own life and your own set of circumstances. Make decisions that you, as C.E.O., would want to reflect positively upon You, Inc.
Think of your decisions and actions as services to the highest bidder and then deliver the very best services possible. Instead of waiting for things to happen, or hoping that things will happen, instead make things happen.
Well…what are you waiting for? Get to work!
God bless,