Tuesday, April 29, 2008







God bless,

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Evolution of Dance

Just a funny to start your week.

God bless,

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

A Story Without Words

God bless you,

Monday, April 21, 2008

The Penalty of Leadership

Oftentimes things that don't initially make sense to us can have something innately powerful to offer. For instance, look at this ad, which was run for Cadillac in the Saturday Evening Post, on January 20, 1915, almost a century ago.

As an ad to sell cars, it appears fairly useless. However, read it slowly. Really think about it and pay close attention to what it's saying. It's a little hard to process because of the “lingo” that was common back then. Nowadays it is antiquated gibberish, but it has a very important meaning inside the message that goes WAY beyond 'Cadillac'.

The headline read 'The Penalty of Leadership' and here's what it said:

“In every field of human endeavor, he that is first must perpetually live in the white light of publicity. Whether the leadership be vested in a man or in a manufactured product, emulation and envy are ever at work.

“In art, in literature, in music, in industry, the reward and the punishment are always the same. The reward is widespread recognition; the punishment, fierce denial and detraction. When a man's work becomes a standard for the whole world, it also becomes a target for the shafts of the envious few. If his work be merely mediocre, he will be left severely alone - if he achieve a masterpiece, it will set a million tongues a-wagging.

“Jealousy does not protrude its forked tongue at the artist who produces a commonplace painting. Whatsoever you write, or paint, or play, or sing, or build, no one will strive to surpass, or to slander you, unless your work be stamped with the seal of genius. Long, long after a great work or a good work has been done; those who are disappointed or envious continue to cry out that it can not be done.

“Spiteful little voices in the domain of art were raised against our own Whistler as a mountebank, long after the big world had acclaimed him its greatest artistic genius. Multitudes flocked to Bayreuth to worship at the musical shrine of Wagner, while the little group of those whom he had dethroned and displaced argued angrily that he was no musician at all. The little world continued to protest that Fulton could never build a steamboat, while the big world flocked to the river banks to see his boat steam by.

“The leader is assailed because he is a leader, and the effort to equal him is merely added proof of that leadership. Failing to equal or to excel, the follower seeks to depreciate and to destroy, but only confirms once more the superiority of that which he strives to supplant.

“There is nothing new in this. It is as old as the world and as old as the human passions: envy, fear, greed, ambition, and the desire to surpass. And it all avails nothing. If the leader truly leads, he remains - the leader. Master-poet, master-painter, master-workman, each in his turn is assailed, and each holds his laurels through the ages. That which is good or great makes itself known, no matter how loud the clamor of denial. That which deserves to live - lives.”

This is a reminder of what Detroit-born former heavyweight boxer Joe Louis once said, 'Everybody wants to get to heaven but nobody wants to die to get there.' Vince Lomabardi said it this way, “You’ve got to pay the price.”

The reality is this: everyone wants to reach the top, to be the best, the leader… but few are willing to pay the price to achieve this goal. Instead, they prefer to criticize and ridicule, jealous with envy instead of keeping their own eye on the ball. On your journey to the top, beware the critic. In fact, you'll know you're close once you start hearing them whispering behind you.

The same holds true in the area of health and fitness. You may have even heard the envy and jealousy behind the so-called well meaning comments of family or friends, “Are you sure you’re not working out too hard?” “You sure are losing a lot of weight. Is everything O.K.?” “I wish I could look as good as you.”

Keep this quote from Glenn Turner in mind: "Many statues have been erected to the criticized. None have been erected honoring critics."

The Firestorm Fitness Systems Fat Burning Fit Camps can get you the body, health, fitness and wellness you desire, deserve and yearn for.

All the information is just a click away, right here.

Are you going to take the challenge or listen to the critics in your life?

God bless you,

Friday, April 18, 2008

50 Cal Ricochet

This is a good example of what happens when boneheads play with very high caliber weapons.

Listen as the round comes screaming back toward him.


Thursday, April 17, 2008

Follow-thru: This time it's for real Part 4

This is the final installment of the series on “Follow-through.”

So far I’ve covered what I feel constitutes follow-through, and two of the three biggest road-blocks along the path to success.

Just to recap, the first two were “misinformation” and “ignorance.” Today I’ll finish this topic by discussing what I feel is the most insidious of the three, “Laziness.”

This topic could actually be broken down into two separate, but equal in many respects, categories:
Lack of discipline and/or laziness.

You see, it takes discipline to follow-through on what you know to be the correct path to a particular goals achievement, in this instance exercise and nutrition. Discipline requires the eradication of laziness, shortcuts and minimal effort. You must act with intent, single-minded in your resolve to attain that which you have determined to be your outcome.

It is said that on the road to goal attainment that we all suffer from one of two forms of pain: the pain of discipline or the pain of regret. Which would you feel is MORE painful?

We all live by either preference or by conviction. Our preferences weaken and can be negotiated with and changed under pressure; real or perceived. Our convictions grow stronger each day and are non-negotiable. Therefore the question remains: are your goals and desires a preference or a conviction?

Proverbs 4:23 warns us to be careful how we think because our lives are shaped by our thoughts. Where are your own thoughts leading you?

Lack of discipline and laziness are decisions.

As I stated (in part 2 of this article) from Dr. Edwin Louis Cole, in his book “Treasure”:
“The level on which you live is under your power of choice. You have the freedom to choose, but once the choice is made (decision), you become the servant of that choice.”

Now, again, ask yourself the question: “What choices and decisions am I willing to be a servant to no longer?”

Now take action on those decisions.

God bless you,

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Follow through: This time, it's for real - Part 3

In part 1 of this article I broached the subject of “follow-through” and ended with this statement by my colleague Alwyn Cosgrove: “everyone knows what to do to lose weight---but getting them to do that is the difficult part.”

In part 2, I surmised that the reason it is so difficult was largely three-fold:
1. Misinformation
2. Ignorance
3. Lack of discipline or laziness (some call these “bad habits”)

I covered the topic of misinformation and will now continue with the topic “Ignorance.”

When discussing the area of follow-through, I understand that a great deal of the reason many people do not succeed in their fat loss or fitness goals is many times deep rooted in psychological issues far beyond the scope of my training and technical expertise.

However…I also believe, as stated previously, that we each have the power to choose. This is a divine gift of God, one that we often either take too lightly, or fail to comprehend.

It is said that there are four kinds of knowledge:
1: The things you know that you know
2: The things you know that you don’t know
3: The things you don’t know that you know
4: The things you don’t know that you don’t know

The latter of the two, and more specifically the last element, are what I want to focus on today.

In Mr. Cosgrove’s statement above, he used an element of speech that many of us partake in on almost a daily basis: a global generalization. You see, his analogy that “everyone knows what to do to lose weight” assumes that “everyone” actually does know. (And everyone knows what happens when we assume…oops, there’s another global generalization) I, on the other hand, do not believe this.

In my almost 30 years in this business I have come to believe that many people just flat out don’t have a clue what sound nutrition really is. I once interviewed a woman to be the babysitter for my children and she told me that, “For lunch we serve either hotdogs, corndogs, chips, Kool-Aid, French Fries or tater-tots. So you can see that I’m nutrition conscious.” I guess the look I returned her saved me from actually having to verbalize my utter disbelief.

And, no, she did not get the job.

Ignorance and stupidity are not the same thing and do not, necessarily, go hand-in-hand. I have been to parts of Arkansas where some of the married couples were also first cousins, but that is another story.

While I do not know how to fly a jet, it is not because I am stupid. I am simply ignorant educationally and experientially of the technical aspects of the operational procedures of flying. If I were to apply myself to that purpose (and if I weren’t deathly afraid of heights) I could undoubtedly learn to do so and achieve that result.

In this age of information overload, and as the law states, “Ignorance is no excuse.” The answers to most every question imaginable are but a few clicks away, provided you are disciplined enough or aren't too lazy to search for them.

In the next issue, I will tackle what I believe to be the most notorious of the three culprits to success: laziness.

God bless,

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Follow through: This time it's for real, 2

In Part 1 of this article, I began a discussion on what may hold people back on follow through with their goals...mainly action. In this segment, I'll explore that a little more deeply.
I refer back to my question: ““What can I do to help folks succeed (win) in their fat loss goals?”

That is a tough one to answer, because ultimately, the end result is out of my control. I’m only one guy. I can’t really go to each and every individual I train and supervise their every choice with respect to nutrition. I’d be divorced from my wife on the grounds of neglect after just a week.

If I were to rephrase the question as such; “What can I do to ensure that I get the type of clientele that virtually guarantees I’ll have nothing but success stories?” That one has a really straight forward answer, and it may just shock the heck out of you.

You know what it is?

Charge more money.

That’s it.

From a business standpoint, if I want to attract the type of clientele who are virtually guaranteed to go for the gold and see success, I can simply charge enough to ensure that the people who do show up have simply got to be serious or they wouldn’t pay that much. This has been proven by a myriad of good trainers around the country.

I recently had a similar conversation with a client who is an attorney. We talked at length about this same issue. His comment? “Do you know what I charge as a retainer and hourly rate?”

My answer: “A lot?”

His reply: “A lot more than that. And you know what? The people who pay it do exactly what I tell them to do and we get good results. The people I do things for as a favor almost never do what I ask and they are the ones I’m usually wasting my time on and arguing with. It really frustrates me. (long pause) You charge someone enough and they will do exactly as you ask.”


Does charging people more actually guarantee their compliance and percentage for success? No, of course not. But the odds for it are exponentially higher.

So why haven’t I adopted this stance…yet? I really don’t have a good answer here. Maybe I’ll come up with one some day. Again, from a business standpoint it makes perfect sense. For me, however, money has never been a motivating factor. I enjoy helping people and I enjoy seeing people succeed. Some people need very little guidance and/or encouragement whereas others need several layers of each.

And that’s what intrigues me…and frustrates me.

Our society has so blinded us from the reality of “good health” that we seemingly can’t see the forest for the trees. I see it clearly…but that’s my job, my passion. Others aren’t so centered or clear sighted because they haven’t spent the hours I have reading, researching, studying and digging for the truth. It's why I do what I do and I love it.

The rules for fat loss and good health are really simple:
1) You simply must create a caloric deficit. This should ideally be wrought from your diet as well as through your training.
2) You simply must do some form of intense muscular work; i.e., weight training. Muscle is your body’s primary fat burning tissue… if it's not working vigorously you simply aren't burning efficiently.
3) You simply must do some type of energy system work (cardio) as it will more than likely be a valuable addition to your regimen; however this is the single most overused modality. Overdo it, or do it incorrectly, in this area and your efforts will founder.

What about the aforementioned “rules” is so difficult for many folks to grasp? My answer is three-fold:

1) Misinformation
2) Ignorance
3) Lack of discipline or laziness (some call these “bad habits”)

We live in an age of advertising and we are constantly bombarded by (mis)information with each and every glance. Manufacturers understand that in this arena, keeping their “brands” in your face and on your mind is the one sure method for getting you to choose their products…whatever they are. The bottom line is their bottom line: cash.

Nutritionist Brad Pilon comments on this after reading Brian Wansink’s book, “Mindless Eating”:

“You know how everybody these days seems to be blaming the food companies for our obesity problem? - As if it's some giant conspiracy?

“Well the number one thing I learnt from "Mindless Eating" is that there is no "fat conspiracy". Food companies DO NOT CARE if you EAT their foods. They only care if you BUY their foods and continue to buy their foods.

“The people at McDonalds don't care if you buy a happy meal, turn around and throw it in the garbage, just as long as you buy the happy meal.

“Also, food isn't designed to be "fattening" (whatever that means). Food is designed to be inexpensive for the companies to make and desirable enough for you to repeatedly purchase."

“So while food companies, restaurants and shopping centers go to great lengths to figure out how to make us BUY food, WE are the ones making the decision to eat the food."

Food manufacturers understand that you have the freedom to choose. As well, Brad’s comment reminds of a quote by one of my favorite authors, Dr. Edwin Louis Cole. In his book “Treasure” he states:

“The level on which you live is under your power of choice. You have the freedom to choose, but once the choice is made (decision), you become the servant of that choice.”

Here's the question: What choices and decisions are you willing to be a servant to no longer?

Next time: part 3

God bless,

Friday, April 11, 2008

You can't make this stuff up...

What happens when you find the Finnish rock band "The Leningrad Cowboys" on stage with the Russian Red Army Choir?


In English!

Oh yeah...they did it!


Thursday, April 10, 2008

Follow Through: This time, it's for real!

This is part 1 of a 4 part series:
I like the title of this article. Why? Several reasons come to mind, but one of which is the image my overly active imagination conjures when I say it aloud. I can hear the voice of that famous movie announcer Don LaFontaine saying, “This time, it’s for real.” I also like the funny version of him as well. But enough about my twisted sense of humor …


How many times have you said to yourself, “I’m going to stick to my _____ (fill in the blank with diet, exercise plan, schedule, etc) this time no matter what!” Then three weeks later you realize it’s been two weeks since “no matter what” apparently occurred.

Don’t feel like the Lone Ranger and don’t start beating yourself up. You’re only human and we as humans must endure some measure of hardship and personal failure. Please understand that hardship and failure in some areas do not have to be a consistent way of life. There is absolutely no need to learn a lesson again and again. Someone wise once said, “If you have to repeat a lesson learned you never really learned it in the first place.”

The most difficult part of the job of “personal fitness trainer” is probably the accountability portion. As a trainer people come to me all of the time saying they have a desire to get lean, lose fat, regain their health or some other health or fitness related goal. I believe them all, although many wind up not really being serious at all. They look sincere and they sound sincere, so I believe them. If I had a test I could perform or a tool I could use I could determine which individuals were really serious and which were simply trying to convince themselves. But that’s the problem…the reality is that only 15 to 20 percent are REALLY serious.

I love my profession. I eat, drink and work at it constantly. (I’d include sleep in there as well, but many of you who know me personally would know it’s a lie. I’d actually have to sleep first) As such, one of the issues that frustrate me, as well as any good trainer, are when the people with whom we work do not achieve the results they deserve. It’s hard to accept that maybe it's not the effectiveness of the programs we employ or the journals we ask them to keep but rather their own perceptions of personal and individual desire.

Therefore, what can I as an individual, coach and encourager do to see that those who have entrusted their progress, safety and results to me actually receive those benefits?
Many trainers before me have sought to close the gap between the actions of a client within the relatively controlled arena of the gym and those in the real world. Dr. Chris Mohr was recently interviewed by Alwyn Cosgrove on this subject. Here is one question from that interview:
AC: “In my opinion, everyone knows what to do to lose weight---but getting them to do that is the difficult part. What do you think is the role of behavior change or modification in a fat loss plan?”
CM: “This was the entire focus of my PhD research. It is absolutely the underlying issue. Really, it’s even more important than the nutrition or training, because if someone isn’t going to put your tools into practice, you’ll (both) just be spinning your wheels.
“I think it’s important to always remember that what I’m willing to do with my nutrition and training is not the same as everyone else and that does take some practice. So while I think mixing cottage cheese, plain non fat yogurt, fruit, and flax seed is a fantastic snack---for most folks I’m hoping they don’t order the Big Mac THREE times today, but only twice, and the third time try one of the salad options. Slowly but surely, we’ll continue to work on quality and ultimately turn those folks around to having loads of nutrient dense foods each day!”

Perhaps now you see this issue isn’t one that is limited to the San Antonio, Texas area. It is a scene that plays out all across the globe. Why? Maybe it’s a lack of quality guidance or information, effective motivational techniques, or maybe it is simply basic human nature. I really don’t know.

As a trainer who cares, what then can I do to help people achieve the results we both so desperately desire? I think we must first examine and seek to understand the nature of the relationship between a personal fitness trainer and their client.

When we go into a grocery store and make a purchase for a gallon of milk, once the cash has changed hands, the deal is done. We have become a customer of the store. For all intents and purposes the relationship ends there. The same rules do not apply in the personal trainer/client relationship.

By nature, the raw definition of a client is “a person or group that uses the professional advice or services of another. One who is under the care and guidance of another.” In the case of a fitness trainer, the transaction begins with the exchange of money. I take this definition very seriously. My entire reputation is based upon the quality of care I give my clients and the results they achieve.

As a professional I take a great deal of pride in helping people achieve success. When they win, I win. When they don’t…I get a sick feeling in my gut that simply gnaws at me. I like to win, and I like others to win. My question has always been, “What can I do to help folks succeed (win) in their fat loss goals?”

Often times it boils down to this: The best and most effective tools are great to have, but if we don't use them and take action, they don't really matter. Create a plan and execute it no matter how simple it seems. Sometimes simple is the most effective route.

This term “action”, however, seems to be the sticking point for many people. As Alwyn stated earlier, “everyone knows what to do to lose weight---but getting them to do that is the difficult part.”

This is the area that I would like to focus on in the next article.

Until then, God bless,

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Barber: Adagio for Strings

If this piece of music doesn't move you emotionally...you should check to see if you actually have a pulse.

Turn it up. Close your eyes. Enjoy.

God bless,

Saturday, April 5, 2008

The Wealthiest Place on Earth

With so many minds focused on the election or the talk of a recession, it is easy to lose focus on true treasure. Let me ask you a question: where is the wealthiest treasure on earth buried?

It’s not the oilfields of Kuwait...

It’s not the diamond fields of South Africa...

It isn’t in the goldmines in Alaska...

It’s in the cemetery.

Buried beneath that sacred ground are dreams that never came to fruition, songs that were never sung, books that were never written, ideas never shared, inventions never designed.

There are plans for wondrous things that never made it past the drawing board of the mind and purposes that were never fulfilled.

Why? Only a tiny fraction of those who ever inhabit this planet will ever discover and fulfill their true potential. God placed abilities in each and every one of us. What are you doing to bring them to the forefront of your life so that they may be shared with others to their benefit?

Here are three great questions to ask to seek your true potential:
1. “Who am I?”
2. “Why did God place me here?”
3. “How much potential do I have?”
4. “How can I maximize my potential to the benefit of others and to glorify the One who gave it to me?”

Ask a better quality question and you may receive a better quality answer.

God bless,

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Six steps to managing your weight for life

If you’re one of a select group who is attracted to the concept of hearing people ask, "do you work out?" or just want to wear your look like a walking billboard, prepare to take six basic, but necessary, steps to realizing that target. Bear in mind, these are simply the bare minimums of possible triumph and each person is different. An understanding and acceptance of this fact will help you to fine tune your own goals which might necessitate a few more, or less, procedures.

  1. You simply must ingest fewer calories than you use, or in other words, create a caloric deficit. Failure to comprehend this one will result in no success whatsoever in your goal of fat loss. You’ve got to become a human inferno and burn calories like mesquite wood burns in a fireplace. HOT!
  2. Short of a miracle, the most proficient technique for bringing forth this “loss” is through a combination of intelligent, well-planned nutritional actions and smart exercise program selections.
  3. Lean proteins, fruits and vegetables should make up the greater part of your dietary framework. Starches (both simple and complex) and refined carbohydrates of any kind must be kept to an utter minimum. Drink water consistently and frequently while striving to eat 4-6 small meals a day. In doing this you will assist your body in regulating your blood sugar levels as well as reinforce your plans for a solid, nutritionally complete eating schedule.
  4. As far as training goes, use interval training and a resistance training program that is designed to increase your metabolic capacity to inject the ultimate level of gains for your hard work. In doing so you will also make the most of your time and effectiveness. Remember this: extended bouts of slow aerobic activity just can’t get the job done as far as calories burned now, especially when your desire is fat loss. What does that look like? How about 30 minutes of time on an elliptical trainer at a constant pace or a 2 mile walk at 3.0 miles per hour on a treadmill. Not going to get the job done. And when you lift weights, always use a success producing routine, like multi-joint movements (squats, rows, pushups, etc) and full body routines if your ultimate goal is fat loss.
  5. You will see amazing results when you train a minimum of six days a week. How do you do this? By performing three days of interval centered cardio and three days of strength training using free-weights, bands or some other type of active resistance.
  6. When it comes to supplements, remember this: supplements are exactly what they say they are…supplements to sound nutrition. In reality, there are very few (like in almost nothing) supplements out there that will have measurable impact on your physique. Sucks to be you, right? Don’t despair completely, however. There are a few supplements that can potentially boost your metabolism somewhat, or give you a shot of energy down the stretch. This isn’t a given, so don’t get your hopes too high. Even though these have some value, when it comes to “rubber meets the road” measurable numbers in the form of fat lost, they simply do not carry much weight. (no pun intended) However, that doesn’t negate the possible necessity of taking some on a consistent basis. Multivitamins and fish oil fall into this category. They’re great, but they generally target your overall health. Protein powders and/or meal replacement supplements have a spot in your regimen, but really in the realm of expediency and ease of use. Most are nothing more than high quality food, so why not just eat that instead?

There you have it. The basics of fat loss maintenance. Follow these guidelines and see what “magic” takes place in your own physique.

God bless,