Thursday, August 28, 2008

5 simple steps that can reap huge benefits in fat loss

By simply changing your perspective about weight loss and fat loss you can effectively begin the process of living it out!

Fortunately, or unfortunately, we live in a “Do it/Want it Now!” culture. When you apply that mindset to your weight loss journey, you often find yourself losing the race. Often a slower, steady pace of making one change at a time can result in not only crossing the goal line, but in staying there and even gaining ground.

Take a look at the 5 eating changes and 5 exercise changes below. Decide which one you will begin with on each list this week. Once you have achieved that goal, add another change into your program. Celebrate each accomplishment! It won’t be long and you’ll begin to see the results!

5 Eating Changes That Can Make a Difference
· Begin to cut back on sugar in your coffee or tea. (And do not compensate with extra milk or cream.)
· Use less or no butter and mayo.
· Let fresh, raw veggies replace chips for lunch and snacks.
· Add one new food every week to your meal plan. Variety will keep you on your program.
· When eating out, start ordering half portions or ask for a “doggie-bag” at the beginning and divide half of the meal into it before you start eating.

5 Exercise Changes That Can Make A Difference
· Add working out with a buddy once a week.
· Plan to take the grocery cart back into the store when you’re done unloading the items you bought.
· Force yourself to walk longer distances by parking your car further away from your destination such as the mall, grocery store, drug store, theatre, etc.
· Take the stairs over the elevators or even escalators every single time.
· Consider your chores another chance to get in some activity.

Simple steps to fat loss add up to BIG changes overall.

If you're really serious about fat loss, then please consider San Antonio's finest fat loss "boot camp", the Firestorm Fitness Systems Fat Burning Fit Camps, or you can e-mail me here for more information.

God bless,