Sunday, August 31, 2008

10 Fitness Tips to Ensure Your Success in Losing Body Fat

  1. Weight train. Training with weights builds muscle and that will elevate your metabolism. Muscle is "active tissue” and has a demonstrable energy demand in that the body’s need to burn calories for energy must be constantly met, even while you’re resting. In other words, muscle burns calories around the clock just to maintain itself. How many calories? Some estimates range from 10 calories to as high as 100 calories per day per pound of muscle. For the sake of argument, let’s say the actual number is somewhere in the middle. Picture how much energy you will "automatically" burn just by adding five pounds of new muscle this year. And when I say energy, think of it as the body’s fat stores.
  2. Train heavy. The body responds best to stimuli which places an “overload” on the muscular structure so that the demands of training elicit a muscular growth or restructuring experience. This rebuilding should not necessarily be associated with “bulking” or gaining muscular size, although that is a possibility. It should rather be thought of as “density of muscle”, where muscle “replaces” fat and produces a leaner and more efficient, constant energy consuming physique.
  3. Train with intensity. Intensity means “concentration”, “purpose” and “passion.” When you go to the gym, don’t go there to chat or lollygag, just get the job done. There will be time for talk later.
  4. Train movements, not muscles. Train the way the body moves to successfully recruit the maximum number of muscles and joints. The more muscles you recruit in training, the more muscle you stimulate to grow in strength, size and density and the more energy you demand from them. For example, squats recruit much more muscle than leg extensions. Underhand grip pull downs recruit more than biceps curls.
  5. Train with strict form and technique. The shortest route to any path is a straight line. One of the quickest ways to deviate from the path of weight training and fat burning success is to compromise form and technique. Strict adherence to this rule will result in your maximum potential for success.
  6. Utilize HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) for “cardio” to complement weight training for maximum fat loss. Many research studies have proven that performing your cardio in an interval training fashion produces superior results over steady state or slow paced aerobic style workouts. And it produces them more rapidly, as well.
  7. Warm up before and cool down after training. This does not mean getting on a bike or treadmill for three minutes before moving on to the bench press. The use of dynamic warming techniques will effectively prepare the muscles for movement and ensure you train injury free. Cooling down afterwards helps to speed recovery.
  8. Use a foam roller. Foam rollers are like getting a massage for pennies. They help prior to training to further prepare the muscles for activity and afterward in the cool down process. They are relatively inexpensive (about $20 to $40) and well worth it.
  9. Stretch. Stretching cold muscles is not recommended and can be counter-productive to progress. After the dynamic warm-up and foam rolling, stretching a muscle necessitates preparation for lifting and movement. Following the training session, stretching assists in the cool-down phase of the session. Stretching is a vital phase in the recovery, as well as the every day preparedness and functionality of the body.
  10. Don’t over do it. Too much of a good thing is usually detrimental. Over doing it in weight training leads to a condition known as “over-training” which is characterized by an overall feeling of “achiness”, sore joints, a loss in appetite, sleeplessness as well as other uncomfortable physical or mental responses. Train hard and smart for about thirty to forty minutes, four to six times per week and recover the rest of the time. Your progress will be steady and your success will be assured.

God bless,

Steve Payne is San Antonio's premier fat loss expert. If you're really serious about fat loss, then please consider San Antonio's finest fat loss "boot camp", the Firestorm Fitness Systems Fat Burning Fit Camps, The 28 Day Miracle Fat Loss Program or you can e-mail Steve here for more information on his many GUARANTEED success programs.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

5 simple steps that can reap huge benefits in fat loss

By simply changing your perspective about weight loss and fat loss you can effectively begin the process of living it out!

Fortunately, or unfortunately, we live in a “Do it/Want it Now!” culture. When you apply that mindset to your weight loss journey, you often find yourself losing the race. Often a slower, steady pace of making one change at a time can result in not only crossing the goal line, but in staying there and even gaining ground.

Take a look at the 5 eating changes and 5 exercise changes below. Decide which one you will begin with on each list this week. Once you have achieved that goal, add another change into your program. Celebrate each accomplishment! It won’t be long and you’ll begin to see the results!

5 Eating Changes That Can Make a Difference
· Begin to cut back on sugar in your coffee or tea. (And do not compensate with extra milk or cream.)
· Use less or no butter and mayo.
· Let fresh, raw veggies replace chips for lunch and snacks.
· Add one new food every week to your meal plan. Variety will keep you on your program.
· When eating out, start ordering half portions or ask for a “doggie-bag” at the beginning and divide half of the meal into it before you start eating.

5 Exercise Changes That Can Make A Difference
· Add working out with a buddy once a week.
· Plan to take the grocery cart back into the store when you’re done unloading the items you bought.
· Force yourself to walk longer distances by parking your car further away from your destination such as the mall, grocery store, drug store, theatre, etc.
· Take the stairs over the elevators or even escalators every single time.
· Consider your chores another chance to get in some activity.

Simple steps to fat loss add up to BIG changes overall.

If you're really serious about fat loss, then please consider San Antonio's finest fat loss "boot camp", the Firestorm Fitness Systems Fat Burning Fit Camps, or you can e-mail me here for more information.

God bless,

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

10 Foods You Should Never Eat and 12 Super Foods

The 10 foods to avoid like the plague...

  1. Quaker Oats 100% Natural Oats & Honey Granola. They are loaded with High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS is the WORST "food" on the planet) sugar and one serving has more hydrogenated fat than a MacDonald's hamburger.
  2. Bugles Chips. 1 serving amounts to 40% of your daily limit of saturated fat.
  3. Cheetos. 1 serving contains 10 grams of hydrogenated fat.
  4. Contadina Alfredo sauce. 1 serving contains the equivalent amount of fat as a 1/3 stick of whole butter.
  5. Chicken Franks. The ingredient chicken is deceiving. Read labels carefully. Some brands contain 11 grams of fat per frank, and this probably comes from the skin...which is the worst.
  6. Entenmanns's Rich Frosted Variety donuts. Each donut has 10 grams of trans fat.
  7. Burger King French fries. A serving contains 13 grams of hydrogenated fat, 24 total grams of fat and 540 calories.
  8. Campbell's Condensed Soup. 1 can of soup contains over 1/2 the amount of your daily recommended sodium intake.
  9. Frito Lay WOW! Potato chips. Contain the ingredient Olestra which has been linked to cause diarrhea, vomiting and other ailments.
  10. Oscar Meyer Lunchables. Each serving includes the equivalent of 4 teaspoons of fat and 1790 milligrams of sodium.

12 Super Foods...

  1. Almonds and other nuts
  2. Beans and legumes
  3. Spinach and other green vegetables
  4. Dairy (fat-free or low-fat milk, yogurt, cheese)
  5. Instant oatmeal (unsweetened, unflavored)
  6. Eggs
  7. Turkey and other lean meats
  8. Peanut butter
  9. Olive oil
  10. Whole-grain breads and cereals
  11. Extra-protein powder to make smoothies
  12. Raspberries and other berries

If you're really serious about fat loss, then come to San Antonio's #1 fat loss boot camp, the Firestorm Fitness Systems Fat Burning Fit Camp or e-mail me here for more details.

God bless,


Monday, August 25, 2008

9 Early Morning Benefits to Exercise

By training earlier in the morning, you receive a number of benefits that only the "early riser" can appreciate. They include:
  1. Burn calories right from the get-go! Early morning exercise jump starts the metabolism by burning calories earlier. Make sure to eat something before you exercise...never on an empty stomach.
  2. The schedule is easy to remember! Most of us know where we'll be in the morning.
  3. Make the first part of the day all about you! How? You do it when you start the day by taking care of yourself. I'll wager that you'll feel good the rest of the day just because you did something for yourself.
  4. Oxygen fuels a flame! Allow oxygen to burn the fat in your body. You'll breathe in more oxygen in the fresh morning air. Breathing in more oxygen means you burn more fat!
  5. There is an all day benefit! Early morning exercise elevates your body temperature and speeds your metabolism, turning your body into a calorie-burning machine for the whole day.
  6. Allows you to be the decision maker! You have the option of exercising again in the evening.
  7. Who needs anxiety drugs? Exercise releases chemicals that relax you and increase your sense of well being throughout the day.
  8. Changes to your schedule means fat loss! You will be replacing one hour of late night television (usually means late night calories) with one hour of exercise...and if you follow the Firestorm Fitness Systems Plan, you will become a fat burning machine for the 24 to 36 hours!
  9. Immediate gratification! A successful training experience means that you begin the day with a sense of accomplishment.

So what are you waiting for? Check out what the Firestorm Fitness Systems Fat Burning Fit Camps or The 28 Day Miracle Fat Loss Program can do for you.

God bless,


Saturday, August 23, 2008

The decision for success equals the habit of goals.

I was taking a nap the other day, and as so often happens in my life, while I lay there in bed my mind began to wander. I began to wonder what the difference was in the clientele I trained who realized their desires for fat loss success, and those who, while they had some success, never seemed to have the level they so desperately described to me that they wanted.

I pondered this for a bit and then drifted off to la-la land. When I awoke, the thought still permeated my mind...which lead me to pen this article.

I recently listened to a message by Earl Nightingale in which he presented a very compelling argument for the reason for the success, or failure, of people. It was really simple, as most valuable messages are.

Ready? Here it is:

We become what we think about.

That’s right; we become what we think about most of the time. All of the great philosophers and thinkers held the same belief. The Bible even states, “As a man thinks in his heart, so is he.”

What is it that YOU think about?

The question remains, how can a statement so simple bring such overwhelming success or failure to the lives of people like you and I? One word:


That’s right. People with goals enjoy a larger level of overall success than people without them. How do I know?

In the 1950’s a group of researchers decided to track the lives of 100 college graduates for 35 years. They looked at several areas of their lives for data but ultimately settled on one area to determine the overall success rate of these folks: how much money they had made.

According to the research, 5 of the graduates were either financially independent or very wealthy in terms of monetary success. In fact, the top three earners were worth more than the other 97 individuals combined.

When the dust had cleared it was determined that the reason for the success, or failure, of these 100 people was their decision to set goals or not and the habit of following them. You see, people who set goals and look at them daily think about that goal all of the time, and it directs their habits and intentions.

People who don’t? Well...

Imagine a ship in a harbor with a captain at the helm and crew to run it. The captain knows the destination, has plotted the course and instructed the crew what to do. This ship, once the engine has fired up will, with almost 100% certainty, leave the harbor successfully and reach its destination. That is what goal setting and goals are like.

Now, imagine a ship in the same harbor...only this time there is no captain or crew. The engine is fired up, it’s pointed away from the harbor and it’s left to do what will come. I believe you will agree that if the ship even makes it clear of the harbor it will sink or wind up on a beach somewhere, useless and in ruins.

Can you see the similarity between these two ships and some of the people you may know? Some intimately?

Oh, not you of course, but someone on your street.

So how do we ensure that we don’t wind up like ship #2? By setting goals. And not just any old goal...S.M.A.R.T. goals. I won’t go into great detail here because so much has been written on this subject already, so if you want more info then simply Google SMART goals.

S = Specific

M = Measurable
A = Attainable
R = Realistic
T = Timely or Tangible

By setting goals and reviewing them often you put your powerful subconscious mind to work for you around the clock. Once the subconscious mind grasps an idea it will not stop working on it until the idea comes to fruition.

You see, the subconscious mind cannot discern between that which is fact and that which is fiction. So if you state positive, goals in the present tense (ex: I weigh 125 pounds and am a size 3 on January 1st) the subconscious mind will work to bring that goal to reality.

Dax Moy wrote a great article on this exact subject and you can read it here. Here’s the process for establishing a goal in a nut shell:

1. Know what you want.
2. Know why you want it.
3. Know when you want it by.
4. Write it down.
5. Know the price.
6. Pay it.

That’s it, really.

Simply follow this process, read your goals when you awaken in the morning and before you go to sleep at night, and before you know it they will be a reality. Because “as a man thinks in his heart, so is he” isn’t’s reality.

God bless you,

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Six steps to managing your weight for life

If you’re one of a select group who is attracted to the concept of “looking like you work out” or want to wear your look like a walking billboard, prepare to take six basic, but necessary, steps to realizing that target. Bear in mind, these are simply the bare minimums of possible triumph and each person is different. An understanding of this fact will help you to fine tune your own goals which might necessitate a few more, or less, procedures.
  1. You simply must ingest fewer calories than you use, or in other words create a caloric deficit. Failure to comprehend this one will result in little to no success whatsoever in your goal of fat loss. You’ve got to become a human inferno and burn calories like mesquite wood in a fireplace.
  2. Short of a miracle, the most proficient technique for bringing forth this “loss” is through a combination of intelligent, well-planned nutritional actions and smart exercise program selections.
  3. Lean proteins, fruits and vegetables should make up the greater part of your dietary framework. Starches (both simple and complex) and refined carbohydrates of any kind must be kept to an utter minimum. Drink water consistently and frequently while striving to eat 4-6 small meals a day. In doing this you will assist your body in regulating your blood sugar levels as well as reinforce your plans for a solid, nutritionally complete eating regimen.
  4. As far as training goes, use interval training and resistance training designed to increase your metabolic capacity to complete the ultimate level of gains for your hard work. In doing so you will also make the most of your time and effectiveness. Remember this: extended bouts of slow aerobic activity just can’t get the job done as far as calories burned now, especially when your desire is fat loss. What does that kind of innefficiency look like? How about 30 minutes of time on an elliptical trainer at a constant pace or a 2 mile walk at 3.0 miles per hour on a treadmill. And when you lift weights, always use a success producing routine, like multi-joint movements (squats, rows, pushups, etc) and full body routines if your ultimate goal is fat loss.
  5. You will see amazing results when you train a minimum of six days a week. How do you do this? By performing three days of interval centered cardio and three days of strength training using free-weights, bands, body weight or some other type of resistance.
  6. When it comes to supplements, remember this: supplements are exactly what they say they are…supplements to sound nutrition. In reality, there are very few (like in almost nothing) supplements out there that will have measurable impact on your physique. Sucks to be you, right? Don’t despair completely, however. There are a few that can potentially boost your metabolism somewhat, or give you a shot of energy down the stretch. This isn’t a given, so don’t get your hopes too high. Even though these have some value, when it comes to “rubber meets the road” measurable numbers in the form of fat lost, they simply do not carry much weight. (no pun intended) However, that doesn’t negate the possible necessity of taking some on a consistent basis. Multivitamins and fish oil fall into this category. They’re great, but they generally target your overall health. Protein powders and/or meal replacement supplements have a spot in your regimen, but really in the realm of expediency and ease of use. Most are nothing more than high quality food, so why not just eat that instead?
There you have it. The basics of fat loss maintenance. Follow these guidelines and see what “magic” takes place in your physique.

God bless,
Firestorm Fitness Systems Fat Burning Fit Camps

The 28 Day Miracle Fat Loss Program

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Eat More Food, Lose More Fat.

This article is courtesy of my friend and colleague in the fight against fat, Leigh Peele, the Fat Loss Troubleshooter herself.

I was in the grocery store the other day, and in the checkout line front of me, I noticed a guy reading an issue of Men’s Health while chewing on a Double Stuffed Oreo he took from the box he hadn’t paid for yet.

I found the irony here quite excellent.

I have a habit of browsing other shopping carts out of curiosity, and the Cookie Monster in front of me had all the goods. Chips, cookies, doughnuts… it was a trainer’s worst nightmare! Now, I’m not exactly judging his food choices. What I was struck by was the recurring thought in my head, “Well, at least he is eating.”

He can try to change his ways. But we all know his true instincts.

I actually confused myself, so I took a second and wondered why, when I looked at his bountiful cart of trans-fat and sugar, I didn’t think, “Holy crow, this guy is a heart attack waiting to happen. I hope he’s got a will prepared.”

Could it be because I spend much of my day trying to convince people to eat? Could it be that I’m hoping for a client who, before they come to me, has actually been stuffing herself with three big meals, daytime snacks, and a nightly dessert?

In a time where obesity is the (not-so) secret killer around the world, why do I find myself eager for a gut-busting, jean-popping client to train?

Stop Dieting. Start Living.

When people come to a trainer to lose fat, it’s usually as a last resort. We usually get a client who’d already hit rock bottom with frustration, despair, and an almost-complete loss of hope to lose the fat.By the time they get to me, they’ve tested Weight Watchers, bought Turbo Jam, tried Atkins (twice… once to learn it, and then once “for real”) and they usually have enough Ab Lounges, mini-steppers, and Gazelle walkers to start a small gym.

By the time most people finally hire a trainer, they’re cynical, untrusting, and about to scream at the world. And why shouldn’t they be mad? They’re hungry, they’re tired, and they’ve been lied to by TV commercials and magazine ads.

Why is it that, when I tell my clients, “Guess what? You get to eat more and workout less!” They get mad and argue with me?

I get so perplexed, I sit there completely dumbfound that they don’t turn to me and say, “Thank you, Leigh, you’re a lifesaver. I’m so hungry and tired, I just don’t think I could have lasted any longer.” Nope, this isn’t the response I get. Instead, I usually hear one of three things:

Excuse #1

“Well, I’ve already lost weight doing things my way and it seems to work for me, so I don’t think I need to eat more.”

My immediate response is, “Okay then, no problem. Thank you for your time.” They look very confused, until I follow up with “If it’s working, and you’re happy with it, then you don’t need my help.”

Of course, that’s a bit of reverse psychology, but when they hear me say it, they realize that it either isn’t actually working or it won’t continue working for long. They can’t starve themselves or they’ll be stuck at their current weight.

They know, deep down, that something isn’t right about what they’re doing. It’s why they came to me in the first place; they just needed me to point it out.

Excuse #2

“Honestly, I just couldn’t eat any more than I do. I’m not even losing weight right now.”

The act of dieting triggers a lot of different hormones in the body. Some of these hormones becoming slowed or, when triggered, they can blunt appetite stimulation. For some, this is a good thing and it’s what you want because makes the dieting easier.

The problem comes when you’ve suppressed hormone function to the point of slowing its overall process, which leads to slower fat loss. Next thing you know, 1200 calories a day is all you need, and anything more than that will now be seen by the body as a surplus. It is your body’s natural defense mechanism to a lower caloric input.

You will see some weight loss on such low calories, but it isn’t healthy, and at some point, a change will have to happen. That change can either be you totally giving up and going back to “normal” (non-training, non-dieting) habits, or you can approach your nutrition in a smart and healthy manner. It’s up to you.

Excuse #3

“I know I should be eating more, but I’ve also heard that when you increase your calories, you just regain the weight quickly. I can’t stand to put any weight back on.”

I get it, really, I do. It’s hard enough going through all this, and then to be told that the only way you’re going to continue losing fat carries a chance of gaining some weight back. However, you don’t have to gain fat while upping your calories.

There really isn’t any kind of argument you can give me for starving yourself and overtraining that I won’t shoot down. The science and experience speaks for itself here. This goes beyond opinion.

It isn’t just fat loss ability or metabolism we are talking about here. It’s nutrient needs, immune system requirements, and bacteria growth, just to name a few. A lot of things come into play with extreme cuts in calories.

Why, then, are people still arguing with me about not wanting to eat?

The Smart Decision… E-A-T

Picture this… in front of you, there are two tables. One table has a big plate of herb-spiced chicken, a side of seasoned brown rice, and a bowl of fresh, mixed green veggies. The other table has a container of store-bought, “healthy,” low-fat (which means high sugar) yogurt, and few carrot sticks.

Now, if I tell you that the chicken, rice, and veggie meal will be better for your fat loss and overall health, are you really going to turn to me and say, “No thanks, I’d rather have my cup of sugar-filled yogurt and some carrot sticks?” I know that some of you actually will, and I also know the most common reasons why.

Reason 1: “They” Told You To Do It.

Who are they? “They” are misinformed doctors, old school dietitians, and lousy personal trainers that want results, but care more about getting a paycheck instead of your health and well-being. “They” are your friends who absolutely swear by the results they see from the latest new diet, even though they just finished regaining all the weight they lost from last year’s fad.

“They” are the media, with fast-acting fat loss infomercials, shows about the biggest losing celebrity fat camp, and news channels that keep us informed about which celebs are anorexic and which just got gastric bypass surgery. All of them preach overtraining and undereating to get the most out of their time slots.

Reason 2: You’re the Exception to the Rule.

We like to think that we’re special. That somehow with all of the science and all of the research, we’re just more unique than that and the rules just don’t apply to us. We all like to overlook the problems that put us in the 1% category because, hey, someone has to be that genetically-gifted 1%, right?

I do want you to believe in your gifts. I want you to be encouraged by the things that make you, you. But that still doesn’t mean you defy the laws of science. Sorry, babe.

Reason 3: You’re Afraid.

We all have some fear. We’re afraid we’ll gain the weight right back and we’ll have to start all over. Or we’re afraid to actually lose the weight, and then we’ll have to put our self-esteem issues elsewhere.

Maybe it all won’t work, and we’ll lose all the hope that keeps us going. Maybe we’re afraid that we’ll anger those we love by changing ourselves for the better. Or we could be afraid that eating better, and eating more, will just lead to making bad food choices.

We can’t let any of these reasons get the way of our goals. Every one of us is special — special in our strength, special in our character.

The Final Word

In the end, eating will lead to your goal. Proper nutrition is the key to getting the look you want, and if you are finding yourself stalled over and over again, it may not be that you’re eating too much, it may be that you’re eating too little.

About the Author

For more information on Leigh Peele, check out her latest releases Fat Loss Troubleshooter - and Metabolic Repair Manual. Leigh Peele specializes in training and research that involves repairing and reaching peak metabolism performance and fat loss advancement. You can find out more information on her and her work at or Fat Loss
Thanks Leigh.

God bless,

Monday, August 18, 2008

If you knew just how often I cry you’d think I was some kind of “Nancy Boy.”

Ladies, this is written to the men, but read it anyway...then have them read it.

My life is a dream...really. I have a job wherein I don’t have to go to work...I get to go.

I am blessed beyond comprehension in that I not only love what I do but I get paid to do it.

I’m married to the most spectacular woman to ever grace the face of the planet. How do I know?

She is patient, understanding and loving... with me.

You cannot, even in your wildest dreams, understand fully the magnitude of that statement. I know I kid around a lot, but seriously, that statement alone is worth millions.

My wonderful bride, Kennon Marie, has the tolerance, grace, maturity, even-headedness, forgiveness and aplomb to withstand even the most egregious of my tirades and still stick by my side.

This astounds me beyond description.

To state that I am a most complex and diverse individual is an understatement of immeasurable degree. Quite frankly, I would kill myself if I had to live with me.

No joke.

When we stated our vows, and the judge said, “Until death do you part...” he had no idea what he was asking. Kennon Marie has gone way, way beyond that.

And yet, Kennon flows through life with the sweetest, most demure attitude about me, supports me and it quite simply boggles my mind. I am grateful for this beyond words and unworthy beyond my ability to express it.

I am also fascinated by the way my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, keeps me in good standing and simply walking erect and drawing breath each and every day. He is, without a doubt, the most benevolent, grace giving, forgiving and patient Being ever.

He tolerates my disobedience and gently, but firmly, steers me in a direction that glorifies Him.

He allows me to have some semblance (or belief thereof) of control over my life...all the while letting me know that He has placed a desire to do His will into me. I am humbled and perplexed by this and it pervades my thinking well into the night and interrupts my thoughts throughout the day.

On another note, as a father I am constantly aware of the impact that my decisions and actions have had upon the development of my girls. Good, bad or indifferent...each and every action that they witnessed is stored away in their subconscious mind and plays a role in their every decision.

As their father, the “leader” of their family, this weighs heavily upon me. If you are a parent, and especially a father, this should be something you ponder as well.

I have grieved for my irresponsible choices, selfish attitudes and immature decisions to the point that no words could express what was emanating from my soul and only the tears and groaning of my heart was audible to my Lord. Thank God He is able to discern my pleading and restore my soul. He is helping me with the rest as we speak.

Parenting is hard. Being married is hard. If you are currently married or a parent, or ever know this. If you’re contemplating either, please allow me to encourage you in this:

1. Allow the Lord to be your guide. The Bible is a hand book for survival. Read it and use it...a lot.
2. Let your wife and children see you as human. I know we’re nothing more than troglodytes with less hair, but we screw up more than we care to admit. Apologize for your mistakes and ask for their forgiveness. They need to hear it and you need to say it. Often.
3. Listen to your kids and yet be their parent. You have to make decisions for them. Be friendly to them, but you cannot, and should not, be their friend. Their friends will not tell them “no”, and you will need too...more often than not.
4. Don’t “do” so much for them. Let them struggle. Allow them to figure things out. Stop interrupting your schedule to let them “do” so much. Remember, we’re human beings, not human doings. They should be as well.
5. Pray for your family. A lot. Until your knees bleed.
6. Seriously, pray for them.
7. Hug them, kiss them and tell them you love them.
If you ever have to ask if you did any of these things then you need to man up and do a better job. Ask your wife or kids if they ever get tired of hearing you say it or show it.
8. Be a good husband to your wife. How do you think they learn what a good husband or father is supposed to look like?
9. Read good books by authors who have something to say. Do not make the mistake of believing that a dog is man’s best friend; that’s a lie. Books are. Edwin Louis Cole, Steve Farrar, Stu Weber, James Dobson, and more. These guys can teach you things, but you have to crack the pages to receive it.
10. Make time to spend time with your kids and learn about them. Take them fishing, camping, hiking...somewhere it’s quiet and you can chat with them without interruption. More than anything in the world, kids want you. Time is that payment.
11. Cry. It’s a normal human emotion and it will solidify in your children’s or spouses mind that you actually have them. Be the steel of the family...just be covered in velvet.

God bless,

Friday, August 15, 2008

Hey Dad. Do you want to have a catch?

This is by far one of my favorite scenes from any movie...ever.


Simply Spectacular

Look; everyone knows I'm a Jesus freak. And if you didn't before, you do now.

This is a very creatively done video. And it has a good message...


Thursday, August 14, 2008

"Listen, it's just carp fishing!"

I had a conversation recently with a client about her concern over whether or not the number she read on the scale was a big deal or not. Her entire existence, it seemed, was wrapped up in "that number."

I tried, in vain I felt, to put some perspective on it...but it didn't seem to really have much impact. Then it struck me.

I said, "You're married, right?" She said, "Yes"

"Happily?", I queried. Again she said, "Yes."

"And what about your kids, are they doing well and are they healthy?" She looked at me kind of strangely, smiled and said, "Sure...they're fine. Why do you ask?"

I stepped closer to her, looked into her eyes and said, "You're a beautiful, happily married woman with healthy and happy kids. The rest is just carp fishing."

Now she looked really confused, shook her head and replied, "What on earth are you talking about?"

I told her a story I had heard about several years ago.

It was a news story about a professional angler who had appeared on TV regularly and won a lot of big time tournaments. He had apparently been enjoying a large degree of success when something happened that changed, and more specifically, ruined his life.

It appeared that right before one of the major tournaments he was accused of using illegal bait. I never found out whether or not this guy was guilty or innocent, and it doesn't really matter as that is an ancillary portion of the story.

What I do know is that the guy became so intoxicated with worry, anger and stress about the accusation that he ended up becoming depressed, taking medication, splitting from his wife and even losing his home.

I remember reading this story and thinking, "Dude, it's just Carp fishing. It ain't cancer, it's not the war in Iraq or starving children in Darfur... it's just Carp fishing.'

This guy had become so enamored with his sport that, what probably begun as a fun and relaxing hobby, had in turn become his entire universe; it had consumed him and become everything. It was more important to him than his wife, his family and his home. It was also apparently more important that his health and his sanity.

What I really wanted this young lady to recognize was that her energy wasted by focusing on this "number" was nothing more than bad information or opinions of others akin to Carp fishing.

It was an opinion. And in my own opinion, a bad one at that.

Here's the way I see it: the scale has a purpose - it's to measure meat and produce. That's it.

If you're really concerned whether or not your fat loss efforts are taking shape, do these 4 things:
  1. Grab a tape measure. Measure your arms at the biceps, your waist around your belly button, your hips around your butt and your thighs, about three inches above the kneecap.
  2. How do you look in the mirror naked? That's where you will see subtle changes in your physique.
  3. How do your clothes fit? When they start getting baggy, celebrate. If they're not, tighten your diet and up your training intensity.
  4. How do you feel overall? How is your eye color, the look of your skin, your hair. Might as well be lean AND healthy.

I once had a good friend who's uncle was a Battan Death March survivor. He told his Uncle about a "problem" he was having, to which his Uncle replied, "Is someone going to kill you?"

My friend said, "No."

"Then you don't really have a problem", was all his Uncle said.

Sometimes it's just Carp fishing.

God bless,
Firestorm Fitness Systems
The 28 Day Miracle Fat Loss Program

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

This just sounds good, doesn't it?

That's because it IS!

Chicken Satay
1 cup unsweetened coconut milk (available at most grocery stores)
1 tablespoon granulated sugar
1 teaspoon ground coriander
1/2 teaspoon ground turmeric
1/4 teaspoon ground cumin
2 to 3 pounds skinless, boneless chicken breasts cut into 1/8-inch-thick slices (or you can substitute beef or shrimp)
12 long bamboo skewers

In a small bowl, whisk together the coconut milk, sugar, coriander, turmeric and cumin until the sugar is completely dissolved.

Put the chicken and marinade in a re-sealable one-gallon plastic food bag. Squeeze out the air, and seal the bag. Holding on to the ends, shake the bag to coat the chicken pieces evenly with the marinade.

Refrigerate the chicken for two hours, turning the bag occasionally to redistribute the marinade.

Soak the bamboo skewers in water for 30 minutes. Meanwhile, prepare a hot fire in a charcoal grill or preheat a gas grill to 500°F (high).

Thread four to six pieces of chicken on each skewer. Grill the skewers until the chicken is browned, one to two minutes per side. Turn the pieces frequently to prevent burning. Serves six or more.

Spicy Cucumber and Red Onion Salad
This sweet-and-sour Thai side dish can be served with all sorts of foods, ranging from satays to curries.
2 English (hothouse) cucumbers, peeled, halved lengthwise and cut into 1/4-inch-thick slices (regular cucumbers can be substituted)
2 teaspoons coarse-grain kosher salt
1 cup rice vinegar
1/3 cup sugar
1 red onion, sliced into thin wedges
1 or 2 red Thai chili peppers (optional, available at some grocery stores), stemmed, halved lengthwise, seeded and thinly sliced crosswise

In a large sieve set over a bowl, toss the cucumbers with the salt and let drain for one hour.

In a bowl, whisk together the rice vinegar and sugar until the sugar is completely dissolved. Transfer this liquid to a re-sealable one-gallon plastic food bag, and add the drained cucumbers, onion and chilies. Squeeze out the air, and seal the bag. Holding on to the ends, shake to coat the pieces evenly. Let stand at room temperature for one hour before serving. Drain any excess liquid.
Can be refrigerated for up to one week.
Serves six or more.

God bless and ENJOY!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

"Ahh, come on's just a little compromise!"

On my blog last year I posted an article relative to this subject of compromise, along with some of my thoughts. Today I’d like to further expand on it a bit and make a few more key points. The crux of the message will answer the question: “When is compromise ever merited?”

Here’s a joke: A guy gets pulled by a motorcycle cop. You know the kind; tough, no smile or neck, mirrored sunglasses and bugs stuck to his chin. As the police officer arrives at the vehicle, he asks for the guy’s license and registration. The man inquires, “Why did you pull me over?”

“For failure to completely stop at the sign, sir. You rolled through it, instead.”

The guy looks at the cop, gives a little smirk and says, “I slowed down…isn’t that good enough? I mean, what’s the difference?”

At this point the cop pulls his baton and begins to hit the guy in the head. After about five solid blows, he asks, “Now sir, would you like me to slow down or to stop?”

Is compromise ever a good idea? Perhaps there are instances in the business realm where compromise may be in the best interest of all parties involved. But what about the fitness arena?

In my years of service as a fitness professional I’ve encountered many types of people. Roughly ninety percent of them utilize my services for the hopeful attainment of a singular endeavor: fat loss.

And why not? It’s the single hottest issue in health and fitness today. Therefore, with regard to fat loss and the achievement of that goal, ask yourself: Is compromise ever a good idea?

I’m going to tell you something that you may not have ever heard. You may even be offended by it.

Most fitness trainers just plain suck in terms of helping the client reach their fat loss goals. Why is this?

Here’s another one for you: Most people who say they want to shed unwanted pounds of fat and hire a trainer to help them do so never succeed. Why is this?

In any organization in the business world with two or more people, in order to get a project completed, a budget O.K.’d, something sold, it is understood that you must compromise. In these situations, and in order to “get it done,” it seems that half is better than none. The refusal to compromise means that nothing would happen, right? Therefore this desire to “make it happen” explains why the world of goods and services is so fraught with mediocrity.

It also explains why things that stand out, that are extraordinary, excel and consequently do so well. Let’s delve into it a little deeper…

Compromise actually corrupts the things you are trying to achieve.

Think about it: Many people make “New Years Resolutions” each and every year. “This is the year I reach (insert goal here)!” they say. However, somewhere along the way, they lose their enthusiasm and ultimately compromise their resolve, generally falling back into a life of mediocrity. That is what makes finding someone who actually achieves their resolutions so refreshing; so remarkable. It’s because no so few ever do it!

Assuming this individual follows this pattern for twenty years; which would be better: To actually put forth the effort (proper diet, exercise, sleep, etc) and produce consistent results or to yo-yo in weight and frustration for years? Which is more taxing on the body? Doing it right or doing it halfway? Which is more likely to benefit the individual, both now and in the long term?

For me, seeing someone obtain their goals because of their resolve, their refusal to compromise, is truly extraordinary. Most trainers can’t produce these kinds of results in their clients because they have compromised what works and produces results for what the latest trend is or what looks “cool.” Much of the so called “functional training” criteria falls into this particular category.

Helping a client to correct muscular imbalances or alleviate impingement disorders is fine, if that is what the client came to me to achieve. So, why would I train someone in that manner who wants to lose 30 pounds? Circus acts and wobble boards aren’t going to get the job done.

I can hear it now. Some of my friends in the fitness industry are reading this and thinking, “He’s talking about me!” If you think I am, then yes...I am.

I’ve seen this sort of activity for years, decades even. Don’t get me wrong, I’m also not tooting my own horn. Sure, I’ve had lots of clients reach their fat loss goals. They were the ones who did not compromise their responsibility with respect to:
  • Training – they showed up each session ready to go and to go full out. They did not compromise in their days off or slack off when they could have. They set their sights on a goal and went for it full throttle.
  • Diet – They followed the 90% rule in their “Accountability Chart”, meals preparation, planning and implementation. They didn’t compromise and say, “Well, just a little bit won’t hurt”, or worse, “Well, I’ve already blown it. Why not?”
  • Social Accountability and Interaction – They didn’t compromise in seeking assistance from people in the same boat as they were. They sought out and found accountability partners to encourage them and to which they could be an encouragement.
  • Follow Through – They listened to the advice and instruction given and followed it. Period.

It doesn’t take a lot to be extraordinary, just a little bit. At 211 degrees water is just hot; just one more degree and it boils. Just one little degree and it goes from plain old hot water to extraordinary. (Go ahead, click on it!)

Compromise keeps you from that “one more degree.” Compromise keeps you mired in mediocrity…average…ordinary. Or worse.

I encourage you to step out of the crowded valley of ordinary and strive for the sparsely populated mountain of extraordinary. Sure it's work, but it's worth every step.

I’m here to help you in any way that I can. We can do it, and the Firestorm Fitness Systems Fat Burning Fit Camps, The 28 DAy Miracle Fat Loss Program or my Personal Training experience can help to get you there faster than any other program around.

I guarantee it.

God bless you,

Monday, August 4, 2008

New Fat Loss Program

I've developed a new fat loss program for those of you who are serious about finally getting into shape.

It's a 16 week program, small group based with guaranteed results.

I promise you between 16 and 35 pounds lost or I'll refund your money.

Every penny!

The program includes:
  • Individual assessments every 4 weeks.
  • 16 weeks of resistance training guidance. 3 days per week for the first 8 weeks and 4 days per week for the last 8.
  • Nutritional guidance based on personal goals and assessments.
  • Outside gym activity guidance and recommendations.
  • Easy access to me for any questions or concerns and follow-up.

If this sounds like the kind of "proven results" program you're looking for, contact me at and let's discuss it.

God bless,


Sunday, August 3, 2008

20 things I've learned

Here is a brief list of some of the things I've learned in the thirty plus years I've been involved in the fitness industry.

Keep in mind...this is a partial list.

20 things I’ve learned over the past thirty years...

  1. Eat right 90 percent of the time. When you do, good things happen, like: lower blood pressure, muscle gain and preservation, bone density, fat loss, connective tissue strength, increased endurance, etc.
  2. Train hard. And smart. In the words of Joe Namath, “If you aren’t going to go all the way...why go at all?”
  3. Lift heavy weights with good form. The body is meant to work, so just do it.
  4. Train often. It doesn’t have to be a long, drawn out affair. 15 to 20 minutes per day of solid training can have long reaching benefits.
  5. Lift as much weight as possible with good form for as many reps as you can. Forget counting reps. Simply focus on technique and let your body do what it is Divinely constructed to do.
  6. Use a variety of multi-joint movements...often. The body craves variety. Do not allow your training to stagnate with mundane and boring routines. And DO NOT train like a bodybuilder, unless you want to walk like a zombie, look like a freak and hurt from a multitude of muscle imbalances.
  7. Eat foods in their natural, unaltered state. You know, like God made it. You can’t get better than that.
  8. Drink clean water frequently. That doesn’t mean carrying around a water bottle like it’s an I.V. drip. Just drink a little at frequent and various times throughout the day.
  9. Variety. I've even heard it’s the spice of life.
  10. Laugh often and loud. I heard someone say it’s the best medicine.
  11. Go to church. It’s a place to learn about life, joy, love and to remind you that you’re not the center of the universe.
  12. Hang out with friends. People who can, and will, tell you “like it is.”
  13. Love your wife/husband. Like you mean it. Remember...the kids are watching.
  14. Be nice: it doesn’t cost a dime to do so. Former Cincinnati Reds coach Sparky Anderson said this after a game I was watching some 35 plus years ago and I’ve never forgotten it.
  15. Buy good wine and enjoy every drop. With friends or loved ones it tastes even better.
  16. Read God’s Word as though your life depended on it. Believe it or not, it does.
  17. Tithe and watch what happens. The only time in Scripture we are told to test God is in this manner. I dare you to try and “out-give” Him.
  18. Tell the truth…always. It’s cheaper in the long run.
  19. Practice what you preach. I’m still working on this one.
  20. Be a friend. To your wife or husband, an animal, people you know and meet. It’s the surefire way to make a friend.
  21. Nobody wants to lose “weight,” despite what they may say to the contrary. Weight implies the number on the scale. What they really want is to lose size, and that equates to fat.
  22. Nobody cares how much you know unless they know how much you care.
  23. Give more than is expected. Go that extra step. “Pay it forward,” if you will.

God bless you this week,